Unsuccessful candidate s finance report is on file


WAUSEON A campaign finance report for an unsuccessful candidate for Ohio s 74th House District seat was filed yesterday, a week after both campaign treasurers resigned.

Marcus Bowling s postprimary finance report showed he received $22,550 for the May 2 election and spent $28,440. The report shows his campaign has a debt of $5,162.

Bev Schlosser and Tom Lingvai each cited the candidate s lack of receipts and documentation for their decisions to quit. Mr. Bowling said at the time he would complete the reports and blamed himself for a lack of communication with his treasurers.

Mr. Bowling had resigned his job as editor of the Fulton County Expositor, a twice-a-week newspaper in Wauseon, to campaign full time for the GOP nomination that was won by Bruce Goodwin in a four-man race.