Toledo Council primary winners: Webb, Ball in District 6; Branyan, Collins in District 2; Ashford, Traynum in District 4

  • Toledo-Council-primary-winners-Webb-Ball-in-District-6-Branyan-Collins-in-District-2-Ashford-Traynum-in-District-4-2

    Toledo City Council candidate Mario Campos greets voters outside Beverly ElementarySchool.

  • JoAnn Valvo is the lone voter as she casts a ballot today in precinct 24G at Genesis Dreamplex.
    JoAnn Valvo is the lone voter as she casts a ballot today in precinct 24G at Genesis Dreamplex.

    Toledo City Councilman Joe Birmingham lost his bid for re-election to Council District 6 when Democrats Lindsay Webb and Green Party candidate Dave Ball claimed the two top spots in Tuesday s primary election, according to unofficial results from the Lucas County board of elections.

    In South Toledo District 2, Democrat Molly McHugh Branyan and independent D. Michael Collins will face each other in the Nov. 6 run-off election to succeed Republican Councilman Rob Ludeman, who was prohibited by city term limits from running again.

    Council President Michael Ashford will face Democrat Ronnell Traynum in District 4, after clearing the four-way primary with an overwhelming 62 percent share of the vote.

    Toledo City Council candidate Mario Campos greets voters outside Beverly ElementarySchool.
    Toledo City Council candidate Mario Campos greets voters outside Beverly ElementarySchool.

    All six will go on to the runoff election Nov. 6, along with candidates in council districts 1, 3, and 5.

    With no other races or issues on the ballot, and with elections in only three of the city s six council districts, fewer than 5 percent of all registered voters cast ballots.

    The departure of Mr. Birmingham and Mr. Ludeman at the end of this year reduces the Republican presence on city council from four to two Betty Shultz and George Sarantou, both at-large councilmen.

    Read more in later editions of The Blade and