Portman, Fisher to face off in November


Fueled by contributions that overwhelmed his opponent, Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher won the primary election yesterday to take on Republican Rob Portman in November.

Mr. Fisher praised his opponent, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, but wasted no time in aiming political barbs at Mr. Portman, a former Ohio congressman and trade adviser and budget director under former President George W. Bush.

"She's a tough competitor, a good Democrat, and a tireless advocate for the state of Ohio who I hope will continue to serve us in the future," Mr. Fisher, a former state attorney general, said of Ms. Brunner, who congratulated him.

"Tomorrow, I fully expect Rob Portman to start using his huge stockpile of special-interest money to begin attacking us right away," Mr. Fisher said.

Mr. Portman was unopposed in the GOP primary. He and Mr. Fisher will vie to succeed Republican George Voinovich, who did not seek re-election. In a statement, Mr. Portman said he called Mr. Fisher to congratulate him and said he looked forward to a spirited race.

"The fundamental question Ohioans will face in November is whether we will continue to watch our economic prosperity slip away or whether we will take on the status quo in Washington and chart a new direction that includes stopping the fiscal irresponsibility and job-killing proposals coming out of Washington," he said.

Also winning a spot on the November ballot was Eric Deaton of the Constitution Party and Daniel La Botz of the Socialist Party. Minor party candidates won a federal appeals court ruling to be in the statewide primary for the first time.