Lucas GOP accused of failing to file financial data


The Lucas County Board of Elections alleges the county Republican Party has failed to submit detailed receipts for thousands of dollars of reimbursements and has turned the matter over to the Ohio Elections Commission. GOP officials insist, however, the paperwork was filed.

Three attempts to deliver a certified letter to GOP headquarters requesting the receipts failed, according to Olga Vallejo, the board's campaign finance examiner. It was then sent to the home of the party's treasurer, but elicited no response.

The reimbursements from the Republican Party were for out-of-pocket expenditures made by officials.

Receipts for the reimbursements must specify how the money was spent, said Linda Howe, the elections board director.

Jon Stainbrook, county GOP chairman, said the receipts were submitted as required and will be resubmitted on Monday.

"The board never notified me of this deficiency," he said. "This is not the first time it has lost our finance reports."