GOP candidate for Toledo council draws complaint

DeCamp accused of failing to designate a treasurer


The chairman of the Lucas County Democratic Party Wednesday filed a complaint against Douglas DeCamp, a Republican candidate for Toledo City Council, accusing him of spending money on his campaign without having first designated a campaign treasurer.

Mr. DeCamp, 30, an information technology engineer for HCR ManorCare, is running for the Republican nomination in Council District 6, which includes parts of north and west Toledo.

Democratic incumbent Lindsay Webb is planning to seek re-election.

State law requires a campaign committee to file a "designation of treasurer" form with the county board of elections before the committee spends money, according to Democratic Party Ron Rothenbuhler's complaint to the Ohio Elections Commission.

Mr. DeCamp's campaign flyer says that it was paid for by Citizens to Elect DeCamp, and it names Brandon Everhardt as the treasurer. Mr. DeCamp said Wednesday he has spent only his own money on printing flyers and T-shirts, and that he has received no campaign contributions.

He said he would file the designation as soon as possible.

Lucas County Republican Chairman Jon Stainbrook said he doesn't think Mr. DeCamp has violated a law and said no harm was done, but that the campaign treasurer would file the designation form Thursday. He said the filing of a complaint reveals that Ms. Webb is politically vulnerable.

"When the chairman of the Democratic Party personally files a protest with the Ohio Election Commission against a candidate who hasn't even filed his petitions with the board of elections yet, obviously they're scared," Mr. Stainbrook said. He said Ms. Webb let the voters of District 6 down when she left the floor of council Jan. 25 to prevent a tie vote on a water-rate increase.

Ms. Webb said she wanted to prevent a 6-6 tie vote that would have been broken by Mayor Mike Bell. A compromise package was approved two weeks later with Ms. Webb voting yes.

Mr. Rothenbuhler said all candidates must comply with the election law.

"I always try to take things seriously when I think there is a situation that might threaten one of my candidates," Mr. Rothenbuhler said.