Wurzelbacher revamps staff

New campaign director hired


Fresh from his narrow victory for the Republican nomination in the 9th Congressional District, Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher is moving forward with a new political team.

Mr. Wurzelbacher of Springfield Township told The Blade Thursday he has replaced his former campaign director, Roman Schroeder, whose contract ended. "My new staff has been on the ground a couple weeks," Mr. Wurzelbacher said.

The new campaign manager for the general election is Andrew Miller, who told The Blade he worked previously with Republican U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek of Crystal Falls in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Mr. Miller worked on Mr. Benishek's successful 2010 campaign for the 1st Congressional District seat previously held by Democratic U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, and also in Mr. Benishek's Washington office.

Mr. Wurzelbacher said the change in personnel was not related to his unexpectedly close win over Steven Kraus of Huron. He said the management change was decided on several weeks ago and that Mr. Schroeder served out his contract.

Mr. Wurzelbacher won 51.5-48.5 percent despite having greater name recognition and a better funded campaign.

Mr. Schroeder said he is working on a campaign in Missouri and said there was a "smooth transition."

Mr. Wurzelbacher will face incumbent U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) in the general election.