Northwest Ohio becomes battleground between Obama Romney


The center of the U.S. presidential election campaign rode into the Toledo area today, with each of the two candidates vying for the nation's top office trying to rally voters. Northwest Ohio, indeed, had become a key battleground.

President Obama, a Democrat, campaigned at Bowling Green State University, and Republican nominee Mitt Romney spoke at SeaGate Convention Centre in downtown Toledo.

President Obama comes to NW Ohio for campaign

President Obama fired up thousands of college students at Bowling Green State University today with promises to build on the progress he’s made bringing back jobs to the country while blasting Mitt Romney’s plan to help the wealthy.“I want to export more products and outsource fewer jobs,” President Obama said to more than 5,500 people at BGSU’s Stroh Center. “When my opponent said we should just let Detroit go bankrupt that would have meant walking away from an industry that supports 1 in 8 Ohio jobs.” President Obama left northwest Ohio on Air Force One shortly before 3 p.m.

RELATED: Photo gallery of Obama's visit

RELATED STORY: Security tight for Obama's visit

Romney rallies Toledo crowd at SeaGate

Mitt Romney wrapped up a three-city trek across Ohio today with a speech today to a crowd in the Toledo's SeaGate Convention Center. Mr. Romney told supporters he would promote small business expansion, and end the expansion of the nation's debt, which kept clicking upward on a large lighted screen next to the candidate. "The President just the other day said you can't change Washington from the inside, you can only change it from the outside. Well we're going to give him that chance on Nov. 6," Mr. Romney said.

RELATED: Photo gallery of Romney's visit