In Virginia, Obama makes a pitch to veterans and military families as president ending wars

President Barack Obama gestures during a rally in Virginia Beach, Va. on Thursday.
President Barack Obama gestures during a rally in Virginia Beach, Va. on Thursday.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — President Barack Obama has appealed to veterans and military families in defense-focused southeast Virginia, casting himself as a president who is ending foreign entanglements and aiding returning soldiers with educational opportunities.

Obama chided rival Mitt Romney for saying, in secretly taped remarks months ago, that nearly half of Americans believe they are victims entitled to government help.

Obama said instead of victims, he sees veterans who have served "with bravery and distinction" and military families wondering if loved ones will "come home safe and sound." Obama was introduced by Sen. Jim Webb, a conservative Virginia Democrat who is a former Marine and Navy Secretary.

Romney was campaigning nearly 200 miles away in Springfield, Va. Obama won the state in 2008; it is among the most competitive of the 2012 contest.