Collins to reveal mayoral platform today

D. Michael Collins Mr. Collins, an independent city councilman, said Sunday he will file his signature petitions for mayor with the Lucas County Board of Elections today at 11 a.m. and will unveil his mayoral platform at that time. Seven people are expected to file petitions by Friday to get on the Sept. 10 primary ballot.
D. Michael Collins Mr. Collins, an independent city councilman, said Sunday he will file his signature petitions for mayor with the Lucas County Board of Elections today at 11 a.m. and will unveil his mayoral platform at that time. Seven people are expected to file petitions by Friday to get on the Sept. 10 primary ballot.

Toledo Toledo mayoral candidate D. Michael Collins will propose a slight reduction in the city’s income tax rate in exchange for making the 0.75-percent income tax permanent, as part of a detailed platform that he plans to release today.

Mr. Collins, an independent city councilman, said Sunday he will file his signature petitions for mayor with the Lucas County Board of Elections today at 11 a.m. and will unveil his platform at that time.

Also divulging her political platform today will be independent city council candidate Theresa Gabriel, vowing an emphasis on senior citizens’ safety, city infrastructure maintenance, and neighborhood improvement.

Mr. Collins said he would give Toledo voters the options of voting to eliminate the temporary income tax of 0.75 percent and create a permanent tax of 2.2 percent. Currently, the permanent tax of 1.5 percent and the temporary tax equal 2.25 percent.

“I think this is going to set the stage to do a proactive effort for economic development,” Mr. Collins said. He said the permanent tax would improve the city’s interest rate for borrowing by removing the potential that part of the city’s tax revenue could disappear.

He said he believes the reduction in tax rates would be offset by an increase in tax revenues from economic development and improved bond ratings.

Mr. Collins’ platform bulges with specific goals for many of the city’s departments that would increase the number of police and firefighters and nuisance inspectors. He said his plans would reduce executive budgets and maintain neighborhood services.

As for economic development, Mr. Collins said his proposals would create 1,000 new jobs in Toledo, reduce the “brain drain” of talented young people, and revitalize the riverfront.

Ms. Gabriel, who is running for one of six at-large council seats, would increase police strength, expand neighborhood police patrols, and repair streets, sidewalks, and curbs “as a priority, not an after-thought.”

She proposed a goal of demolishing 400 vacant homes annually.

Contact Tom Troy at: or 419-724-6058.