Perrysburg approves 2014 budget

Council doubles funding for road and maintenance improvements


The Perrysburg Council voted unanimously to approve the city's 2014 budget which doubles funding for road and maintenance improvements.

The proposed budget had earmarked $960,000 for its savings reserve fund -- which stands at $1.7 million -- but instead of going into the reserve fund, that money will be used for road improvements.

Although council member Todd Grayson voted to approve the budget, he asked that already approved expenditures in the 2014 budget be looked into to see what could be put off a year to save money. He was concerned about not adding to the reserve fund.

He also read from an email from former council member Sara Weisenburger. Her letter said while roads need improved, it is difficult to advocate solar heating for the pool, a riverwalk, and a new vehicle for the deputy fire chief -- items in the 2014 budget -- while not saving a dime. She asked that only half of the $960,000 go to the reserve fund. And that the other $480,000 only represents 2 percent of the 2014 budget, and that it be cut for the roads.

"The purpose of this (reserve) fund is for extraordinary circumstances," councilman Tim McCarthy said. "This winter has caused an extraordinary need. It is an unusual request for an unusual circumstance."

Councilman Tom Mackin asked that in the future this administration goes through committee meetings on such matters as the budget.

The administration will look for ways to offset costs and look for ways to make cuts while still providing services, Mayor Mike Olmstead said.

Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.