Lucas County Board of Elections votes to fire Republican booth official


The troubled Lucas County Board of Elections voted 3-1 during a special meeting today to fire the agency's acting Republican booth official.

Elections board Director Gina Kaczala and Deputy Director Dan DeAngelis said employee Matt Toepfer had abused sick time policy and failed to notify his superiors about a drug charge conviction in Toledo Municipal Court.

Election Board Member Jon Stainbrook, a Republican, cast the dissenting vote. Mr. Stainbrook suggested Mr. Toepfer's termination was retribution because he filed a Ohio Civil Rights Complaint against Mr. DeAngelis, alleging discrimination based on race and sexual harassment.

Mr. DeAngelis said the complaint is frivolous and the termination was based on other issues. The complaint was filed March 7, three days after former Elections Board Director Meghan Gallagher - a Republican and ally of Mr. Stainbrook - along with seasonal Republican booth official Melissa Brogan were both fired. Mr. Toepfer was Ms. Brogan's supervisor. The two have a child together, officials for the elections board said.

Mr. Stainbrook also cast the lone no vote against placing elections board employee Derrick Reasonover as the new Republican booth official. Mr. Stainbrook said Mr. Reasonover was “no call and no show” for the Sept. 10, 2013 election. Mr. Reasonover said he was in the hospital that day and that he did inform his superiors.