Sylvania tables rezoning request

Applicant: More time needed for Alexis Road property


The rezoning request for a 1-acre residential property along Alexis Road in Sylvania has been tabled until further notice at the request of the applicant.

Jerry Parker, a Toledo lawyer representing of DJF Properties, said that more time was needed for the rezoning request to change parcels 5904 Alexis Road and 5623 and 5625 Acres Road from a residential designation to business.

During the zoning proceedings Mr. Parker did not specify how the property would be developed, only saying the final use was consistent with the city’s master plan.

More than 30 residents from Acres and Balfour Roads objected to having businesses locate in their neighborhood and expressed concerns about increased traffic created by the project.

Council canceled Monday night’s meeting, at which it was set to discuss the request. Committee Chairman Dough Haynam said that when the request resurfaces it will reschedule a meeting.