

Bleach, Christian rock band, in concert, 7 tonight, the Mill Youth Stop, 5115 Glendale Ave. $10 admission.

20th Annual Wieczor Koled, “Evening of Carols,” holiday music sung in English, Polish, and other languages, 3 p.m. tomorrow, St. Hyacinth Church, corner of Parkside and Victory. Free admission; refreshments to follow.

The Lutheran Hour, 7 a.m. tomorrow, WPOS-FM (102.3), “Epiphany Is Serendipity.” Woman to Woman, 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, WDFM-FM (98.1), “Ways To Build a Better You.”

Honorary Day for the Rev. H.M. Crenshaw, 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, Jerusalem Baptist Church, 445 Dorr St.

Philippine-American Cath- olic Council Novena and Mass, 7 p.m. Tuesday, St. Agnes Church, 3901 Martha St.

Casting Awareness Into Silence: Creative Journaling for Personal and Spiritual Growth, six-part course taught by psy- chologist Kevin Anderson star-? ting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Glendale Presbyterian Church, 4609 Glen-? dale Ave., $90. Registration: 419-385-3567.

ALPHA Course, a practical introduction to Christianity, 7 VJ Block Fits: Block Depth: 5.05i Expansion .01i (B4) p.m. Thursday and continuing weekly through March 25, Faith United Methodist Church, 3415 Starr Ave., Oregon. 419-691- 5137.

The Toledo diocese s Council of Catholic Women is organizing a trip to Washington, D.C., Jan. 21 and 22 to participate in the 31st Annual March for Life. Reservations and information: 419-244-6711 or 1-800-926- 8277, ext. 515.

The Da Vinci Code book discussion, noon tomorrow, Glendale Presbyterian Church, 4609 Glendale Ave. Free, walk- ins welcome.

The deadline for news items for the Religion page calendar is noon Wednesday. Items can be mailed to Reli- gion Editor, The Blade, 541 North Superior St., Toledo, Ohio 43660, faxed to 419-724- 6439, or e-mailed to religion-? To speak to the Religion Editor, call 419- 724-6154. To change or place a listing in the Directory of Worship, call 419-724-6457.