Corpus Christi series opens with talk on Martin Luther King


The Rev. James Bacik will open the Corpus Christi 2004 Fall Lecture Series with "Martin Luther King: A Liberation Theologian" at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The series, to be held at Toledo's Corpus Christi parish, 2955 Dorr St., continues for five Tuesdays.

The scheduled speakers are Becky Brady and Sister Anita Maroun on "L'Arche: A Theology for Today, a Sign of Hope," on Oct. 5; Dr. Daniel Smith Christopher on "Learning from the Hebrew Prophets Today" on Oct. 12; Dr. Mary Ann Hinsdale of Boston College on "Mary Magdalene" on Oct. 19; the Rev. Richard Rohr on "Prophets: New and Old," on Oct. 26; and Dr. Richard Gaillardetz of the University of Toledo on "Yves Congar: Vatican II Prophet," on Nov. 2.

Series tickets are $30 or $10 for individual lectures from the church, 419-531-4992.