Sylvania Temple dedicates new Torah on Friday


The Temple-Congregation Shomer Emunim will dedicate its new Torah with a Siyyum Ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday.

Sofer Neil Yerman of New York City came to Sylvania in September to begin the Torah project for the Reform Jewish congregation.

On Friday, Mr. Yerman will work with congregation members to write the last words of the Torah, then open the scroll to the beginning and complete the first words that were outlined when the project began.

The Torah contains the first five books of Moses, and once the last of the 297,000 letters are completed, it will be placed in the synagogue s Ark.

Cantor Jennifer Roher said about 300 members of The Temple took part in the capital campaign, which included funding for the Torah scroll. After the Friday services, which will include a musical cantata, participants in the Torah project will attend a celebratory dinner.

The Temple is at 6453 West Sylvania Ave., Sylvania.