Religion calendar


Prayer Breakfast, 10 a.m. today, Mount Ararat Missionary Baptist Church, 918 Colburn St. Tickets are $6 at the door.

“Reformation Prepositions: In, Over, and Out,” The Lutheran Hour, 7 a.m. tomorrow, WPOS-FM (102.3).

“Children of Divorce,” Woman to Woman, 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, WDFM-FM (98.1).

Annual ‘Trunk' or Treat, 3 p.m. tomorrow, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church parking lot, 4155 Pickle Rd., Oregon. Come in costume. Details, 419-691-9407.

Reconciling Revival with multiple speakers, 10:45 a.m. tomorrow, Central United Methodist Church, 2108 Collingwood Blvd. Free lunch at noon. Information, 419-241-7729.

Family and Friends Day, 11 a.m. tomorrow, Third Baptist Church, 9775 Angola Rd., Holland.

64th Annual Lebanese Dinner, noon-7 p.m. tomorrow, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral, 3754 Woodley Rd. Carryout available. Adults, $15; children $8. Cash bar. Details, 419-868-8339.

Cathedral Concert Series with Nancy Lendrim and Joel Tse, 3 p.m. tomorrow, Rosary Cathedral, 2535 Collingwood Blvd. Free will offering.

Charismatic Mass & Healing Service, 3 p.m. tomorrow, Good Shepherd Church, 550 Clark St. Information, 419-691-6686.

Trinity Performing Artist Series with the Music of Randall Thompson, 3 p.m. tomorrow, Trinity Church, Adams and St. Clair streets. Tickets, $10 and $15 from 419-243-1231 and at the door.

Continuing Celebration of Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Fletcher's 16th pastoral anniversary, 4 p.m. tomorrow, New Light Missionary Baptist Church, 1741 Cone St.

One Spirit Traveling Medicine Show, 4 p.m. tomorrow, Hosanna Lutheran Church, 23019 Kellog Rd., Grand Rapids, Ohio. Potluck follows.

38th Choir Anniversary, 6 p.m. tomorrow, Morning Star Baptist Church, 212 Charles St.

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour, 7 p.m. Monday, Unity Church, 3535 Executive Pkwy.

Author and international adventurer Steve Ray Presentation, 7 p.m. Wednesday, St. Anthony Catholic Church, 4605 St. Anthony Rd., Temperance, Mich. Topic: Catechism and the Catholic Faith. Free. Information, 734-854-1143.

Prayer Service for those in the community in need of work, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Fallen Timbers Community Church, 7215 Noward Rd., Waterville.

Fall Festival Celebration, 6-9 p.m. Friday, Calvary Assembly of God, 5025 Glendale Ave. Information, 419-381-0254.

All Saints Day Celebration Party for children, 6-8 p.m. Friday, Braden United Methodist Church, 4725 Dorr St.

Chasen Concert, 8 p.m. Oct. 31, Archbold Evangelical Church in Archbold. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Free.

Great Lakes District of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission For Christ Meeting, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 31, St. Michael Lutheran Church, corner of Whiteford Center and Temperance roads in Ottawa Lake, Mich. Information, 734-856-2921.

Fourth Annual National Forgiveness Day, A Celebration of Unconditional Love takes place on Oct. 31. Visit Click on National Forgiveness Day. Information, 419-533-4191.

The deadline for news items for the Religion Calendar is noon Wednesday. Items can be mailed to the Religion Editor, The Blade, 541 North Superior St., Toledo, Ohio 43660; faxed to 419-724-6439, or e-mailed to To place a listing in the Directory of Worship, call 419-724-6431. For retail advertising on the Religion pages, call 419-724-6350. To speak to the Religion Editor, call 419-724-6154.