Lourdes College slates ecumenical lecture


The 2011 Lourdes College Ecumenical Lecture will feature Sandra Keating, associate professor of theology at Providence College in Rhode Island, speaking on "Reflections on Current Relations Between Catholics and Muslims" at 3 p.m. Feb. 27 in the Franciscan Center of Lourdes College, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania.

Ms. Keating participated in the 2005 meeting of the Vatican's Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee and has served as a consultant to the Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims. Her published works include Defending the People of the Truth in the Early Islamic Period and Divinely Revealed: The Qur'an and Nonbelievers. Admission is free and open to the public. Attenders are encouraged to read the Catholic Nostra Aetate and the Muslim A Common Word documents, available online at lourdes.edu/ecumenical.