19 sisters of Notre Dame mark service milestones


Nineteen Sisters of Notre Dame recently celebrated milestone anniversaries of their profession of religious vows in special Masses at Gesu Church and the Toledo Provincial Center.

Celebrating their 70th Jubilees were Sister Mary Bernarda Sullivan and Sister Mary Jamesetta Krafty.

Sisters Mary Joseleen Hemker, Sister Mary Paulissa Klausing, and Sister Mary Vernon Bick each marked their 65th anniversary.

Celebrating their 60th year were Sister Mary Georgene Fink, Sister Mary Ross Burgard, Sister Mary Rose Bernard Groth, and Sister Mary Edward Ann Hoffman.

Sisters Margaret Mary Collins, Sister Marcia Marie Destatte, Sister Mary Lucy Sutter, Sister Julia Marie Hutchison, Sister Mary Carol Gregory, Sister Carol Mary Bogner, and Sister Mary Marc Burgard observed 50th anniversaries.

Sister Donna Marie Appert, Sister Marie Christine Cervi, and Sister Mary Tina Petrick marked their 25th Jubilees.

Sister Mary Theophane Sullivan, who died June 26 at 101, was to have marked her 80th Jubilee at the events on July 10 and 24.