Res­tau­rant In­spec­tions: 11-12


Re­cently re­leased in­spec­tion re­ports of Lu­cas County food ser­vice op­er­a­tions


McDon­ald’s, 1540 Broad­way, in­spected Oct. 19. Creamer ma­chine at 46 de­grees and un­der-counter cooler on serv­ing line at 45 de­grees. Time/tem­per­a­ture con­trolled for safety foods need to be held at 41 de­grees or lower to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Remove food from cooler and dis­penser and con­tact li­censed re­pair­man. Inspec­tor: Kurt Sus­dorf.

Sunoco, 1301 Syl­va­nia, in­spected Oct. 23. Reach-in cooler hold­ing at 60 de­grees. In­ter­nal tem­per­a­ture of sa­lami 52 de­grees. Food must be held at 41 de­grees or be­low to limit bac­te­ria growth. Food re­moved from ser­vice. Hand sink not prop­erly stocked. Hand sinks must be prop­erly stocked with warm run­ning wa­ter, soap, and hand tow­els to en­sure proper hand wash­ing. Un­la­beled hot pock­ets and cups of ice for sale. Food must be prop­erly la­beled for sin­gle ser­vice. Food must have proper la­bel­ing in or­der for it to be sold. Inspec­tor: Stacy Seger.

Sparky Do­nuts & Ice Cream, 1357 Syl­va­nia, in­spected Oct. 23. Dip­per well for hard ice cream is not func­tion­ing prop­erly. Ice cream scoop must be held in run­ning wa­ter of suf­fi­cient ve­loc­ity to flush par­tic­u­lates to the drain if used with moist food such as ice cream or mashed po­ta­toes. Inspec­tor: Seger.

Osaka Sushi & Hiba­chi, 3150 Na­varre, Ore­gon, in­spected Oct. 23. No san­i­tizer bucket in su­shi area. Pro­vide san­i­tizer bucket to san­i­tize prep sur­faces and pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion. Spray bot­tles with­out la­bels. Chem­i­cal spray bot­tles must be la­beled with com­mon name of con­tents for proper iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and to pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion. Inspec­tor: Bran­don Tester.

McDon­ald’s, 567 E. Man­hat­tan, in­spected Oct. 19. Liq­uid eggs stored at room tem­per­a­ture at 53 de­grees with­out a time marked on the prod­uct. To limit bac­te­ria growth, prod­ucts held time in lieu of tem­per­a­ture must have the time marked on the prod­uct. Prod­uct dis­carded. The auto dis­pens­ing san­i­tizer at the three-bay sink dis­pens­ing 400+ ppm quat. To prop­erly san­i­tize with the prod­uct used at this fa­cil­ity, the con­cen­tra­tion must be 150 to 400 ppm. Have the unit ad­justed to dis­pense 150 ppm to 400 ppm. The side hand sink blocked by a box of straw­ber­ries. Do not block hand sinks, which must be ac­ces­sible for proper hand wash­ing. Cor­rected. Inspec­tor: Kerry Stan­ley.

McDon­ald’s, 5210 N. Sum­mit, in­spected Oct. 23. Damp cloths stored on work sur­faces. When not in use, store damp/soild cloths in a wipe cloth bucket at 100 ppm chlo­rine to limit bac­te­ria growth. Cor­rected. Liq­uid eggs held time in lieu of tem­per­a­ture with­out no time in­di­cated. To limit bac­te­ria growth, food held for time in lieu of tem­per­a­ture must have time in­di­cated on the prod­uct. Dis­carded. Buildup pres­ent in­side the ice ma­chine. Clean and san­i­tize ac­cord­ing to man­u­fac­turer’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley

Sub­way, 3336 La­grange, in­spected Oct. 24. A bag of on­ions on the floor in the back stor­age area. Food must be pro­tected from con­tam­i­na­tion, store in a clean and dry area at least six inches off the floor. Buildup pres­ent in­side the ice ma­chine. Clean and san­i­tize ac­cord­ing to man­u­fac­turer’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Sticky res­i­due still pres­ent on the foun­tain bev­er­age ma­chine. Areas must be cleaned and san­i­tized daily. Dead cock­roaches in the kitchen area and in the women’s bath­room. Con­tact a li­cense pest-con­trol ser­vice im­me­di­ately to ad­dress pest is­sues. This fa­cil­ity must main­tain pest records on site for health re­view. This fa­cil­ity cur­rently has a pest-con­trol ser­vice, but in­suf­fi­cient clean­ing and main­te­nance in this fa­cil­ity is a con­trib­ut­ing fac­tor to the pest in­festa­tion. An un­la­beled wa­ter spray bot­tle hang­ing on the bread rack. Label spray bot­tles with the com­mon name of in­gre­di­ents. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Marco’s Pizza, 3423 La­grange, in­spected Oct. 23. Wipe cloths stored on the sur­face and no wipe cloth bucket set up. Dur­ing hours of op­er­a­tion, the fa­cil­ity must have a wipe cloth bucket set up to prop­erly store damp/soiled cloths and to prop­erly san­i­tize sur­faces. Chem­i­cals stored on shelves with food and food-con­tact items. Des­ig­nate an area for chem­i­cals be­low or away from food and food-con­tact items. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Plat­i­num Kisses, 505 E. Alexis, in­spected Oct. 23. Na­cho cheese and chili in the dis­pens­ing unit be­low 135 de­grees. Unit was un­plugged at the end of the night and plugged in the next morn­ing with prod­uct drop­ping be­low 135 de­grees. To limit bac­te­ria growth, the na­cho ma­chine must be left on to main­tain the prod­uct above 135 de­grees. Prod­uct must be dis­carded. No probe style ther­mom­e­ter avail­able for ver­i­fy­ing food tem­per­a­tures. Pro­vide a probe style ther­mom­e­ter ca­pa­ble of read­ing 0 to 220 de­grees. Dish ma­chine dis­pens­ing 0 ppm chlo­rine. To prop­erly san­i­tize with chlo­rine, the con­cen­tra­tion must be 50 to 100 ppm. Fa­cil­ity must man­u­ally ware wash in the three-bay sink un­til dis­penser is re­paired or ad­justed to dis­pense 50 to 100 ppm. Buildup in the pop gun. Clean and san­i­tize daily al­low­ing to air dry be­fore us­ing. Chem­i­cal spray bot­tles stored on count­ers and shelv­ing units with food and food-con­tact items. Chem­i­cals must be stored be­low or away from all food and food-con­tact items. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Bob Evans, 1220 E. Alexis, in­spected Oct. 15. Egg mix­ture held in the prep-top cooler in a dou­ble in­su­lated con­tainer above 41 de­grees. To limit bac­te­ria growth, food in cold hold­ing must main­tain 41 de­grees or lower. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. Dis­carded. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Qual­ity Inn & Suites, 445 E. Alexis, in­spected Oct. 15. Dur­ing hours of op­er­a­tion, there must be a des­ig­nated per­son in charge with knowl­edge of proper safe food han­dling and san­i­ta­tion ac­cord­ing to the Ohio Uni­form Food Safety Code. A soiled cloth on a work sur­faces and no wipe cloth bucket setup at in­spec­tion. Dur­ing hours of op­er­a­tion, there must be a wipe cloth bucket setup to prop­erly store damp/soiled cloths and to prop­erly san­i­tize sur­faces. Cor­rected. Build up pres­ent on the in­side of the ice ma­chine. Clean and san­i­tize ac­cord­ing to the man­u­fac­turer’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Remy’s Gentle­men’s Club, 707 Matzinger, in­spected Oct. 9. Buildup pres­ent in­side the pop gun and hol­ster at the bar. Clean and san­i­tize daily al­low­ing to air dry be­fore use. Buildup pres­ent in­side the ice ma­chine. Clean and san­i­tize ac­cord­ing to man­u­fac­turer’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Pilot Travel Center, 5820 Hag­man, in­spected Oct. 10. Corn dogs in the hot hold­ing dis­play cab­i­net be­low 135 de­grees. To limit bac­te­ria growth, food in hot hold­ing must main­tain 135 de­grees or above. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. Prod­uct dis­carded. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Moose­head Grill, 5133 Tele­graph, in­spected Oct. 9. Un­cov­ered bev­er­ages in the back kitchen area. Em­ployee bev­er­ages must have lids with a straws and be stored to pro­tect food and clean items/sur­faces from con­tam­i­na­tion. Buildup pres­ent in­side the ice ma­chine. Clean and san­i­tize ac­cord­ing to man­u­fac­turer’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Buildup pres­ent in the pop guns be­hind the bar. Clean and san­i­tize daily al­low­ing to air dry be­fore us­ing. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Six-Pack Bar & Grill, 3223 W. Syl­va­nia, in­spected Oct. 23. Raw shell eggs, raw chicken, and raw ground beef stored above french fries in the reach-in cooler. Ready-to-eat food shall be stored above raw meats and eggs to pre­vent cross con­tam­i­na­tion. The bar hand sink is blocked with a strainer and is not stocked with pa­per tow­els. The first ba­sin in the four-bay sink is des­ig­nated as a hand sink and no dump­ing may be done in it. If you would like to uti­lize this ba­sin as a dump sink then a sep­a­rate hand sink must be in­stalled. Inspec­tor: Gil­lian Wilke.

The Wing Sta­tion, 4015 Se­cor, in­spected Oct. 23. The walk-in cooler is hold­ing food at 42 to 45 de­grees. Food must be held at 41 de­grees or lower to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Con­tact a li­censed re­frig­er­a­tion re­pair ser­vice im­me­di­ately to fix the cooler. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion re­quires im­me­di­ate at­ten­tion. There is no hot wa­ter at the hand sink. Hand sinks must pro­vide at least 100-de­gree wa­ter. Re­store hot wa­ter im­me­di­ately. Wet tow­els stored on the counter tops. Store wet tow­els in the san­i­tizer bucket to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Gyro meat sit­ting out at 66 de­grees. To in­hibit bac­te­ria growth, food must be held hot at 135 de­grees or higher or cold at 41 de­grees or lower. Store the chicken in the steam ta­ble or un­der re­frig­er­a­tion. No san­i­tizer bucket set up. Keep a san­i­tizer bucket set up with the cor­rect con­cen­tra­tion of chlo­rine bleach at 50 to 100 ppm or quat san­i­tizer at 200 ppm. Raw chicken stored in the three-bay sink, which is be­ing im­prop­erly used for food prep­a­ra­tion. The three-bay sink is strictly for ware wash­ing. The food prep­a­ra­tion sink has dirty dishes stored in it. The food prep sink is strictly to be used for food prep­a­ra­tion. Dirty dishes shall be stored on the dirty side drain board of the three-bay sink. Inspec­tor: Wilke.

The City Diner, 4202 Mon­roe, in­spected Oct. 23. Baked po­ta­toes and Hol­lan­daise sauce cool­ing at room tem­per­a­ture. Food shall be ac­tively cooled be­gin­ning when the food reaches 135 de­grees. Food shall cool from 135 to 70 de­grees within two hours, and then from 70 to 41 de­grees within the fol­low­ing four hours to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Begin ac­tively cool­ing the food in the walk-in cooler or reach-in freezer. The un­der-counter cooler is hold­ing food above 41 de­grees. Food shall be held at 41 de­grees or lower to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Ad­just the cooler ac­cord­ingly and call for ser­vice if needed. Chem­i­cal bot­tles (drain cleaner) stored above the foun­tain pop boxes. Store chem­i­cals be­low and away from food/food-con­tact sur­faces to pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion. Inspec­tor: Wilke.

Steak Es­cape, 5001 Mon­roe, in­spected Oct. 25. Hot wa­ter is not avail­able at the front hand sink. Re­pair the sink to re­store hot wa­ter. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion, re­quires im­me­di­ate ac­tion. Spray bot­tle of glass cleaner and other chem­i­cal spray bot­tles stored be­hind the iced tea and lemon­ade. Store chem­i­cals be­low and away from food/food-con­tact sur­faces to pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion. Found blanched french fries sit­ting out in bas­kets at 93 de­grees cool­ing im­prop­erly. Food must be ac­tively cooled from 135 to 70 de­grees within two hours, and then from 70 to 41 de­grees in the fol­low­ing four hours to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Once food has reached 135 de­grees, it must be placed in the walk-in cooler to cool and may not sit out at room tem­per­a­ture. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. French fry prep-top cooler hold­ing french fries on top at 53 de­grees and fries on the bot­tom at 45 de­grees. The cooler has an am­bi­ent air tem­per­a­ture of 48 de­grees. Sand­wich prep-top cooler hold­ing tur­key and chicken at 43 de­grees and Swiss cheese at 50 de­grees. Food must be held at 41 de­grees or lower to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Ad­just cooler tem­per­a­tures ac­cord­ingly and call for ser­vice if needed. The sand­wich prep-top cooler is hold­ing tur­key and chicken at 43 de­grees and Swiss cheese at 50 de­grees. Cheese not stored in a food con­tainer; it should not be laid on top of other con­tain­ers. San­itizer wipe cloth bucket is low on chlo­rine bleach con­cen­tra­tion. Main­tain chlo­rine bleach san­i­tizer at 100 ppm to prop­erly san­i­tize food-con­tact sur­faces. Inspec­tor: Wilke.

C2 at the Field, LLC dba: Fricker’s, 19 N. St. Clair, in­spected Oct. 22. Prep-top cooler on the line hold­ing food at un­safe tem­per­a­tures, 43 to 46 de­grees. To pre­vent bac­te­ria growth, main­tain cold hold­ing at 41 de­grees or be­low. Mon­i­tor tem­per­a­tures closely. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion: this is the fourth con­sec­u­tive time that this cooler was hold­ing food at un­safe tem­per­a­tures. A Pub­lic Health Order will be is­sued to re­place this cooler. Equip­ment must con­sis­tently hold food at safe tem­per­a­tures. Food held past the max­i­mum seven-day hold­ing pe­riod: beans, soup, and meat. Mon­i­tor dates of food closely to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth and dis­card af­ter seven days. Re­peat vi­o­la­tion. Dis­pos­able cups be­ing used to por­tion food. These cups may not be used as scoops. Use a com­mer­cial scoop with a han­dle. A clear spray bot­tle with­out a la­bel on it. Mark bot­tle with com­mon name to al­low for proper iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Inspec­tor: Kelly Cip­iti.

J. Al­ex­an­der’s, 4315 Tal­madge, in­spected Oct. 22. The mid­dle prep-top cooler on the cook line is hold­ing foods at 44 to 45 de­grees in the bot­tom. Food must be held cold at 41 de­grees or lower. Ad­just or re­pair this cooler ac­cord­ingly. The quat san­i­tizer is dis­pens­ing too low at less than 200 ppm. Ad­just the dis­penser so that this prod­uct is used at a con­cen­tra­tion of 200 to 400 ppm as la­beled on the pack­age. Raw eggs stored above ready-to-eat food in the walk-in cooler. Store raw meats and eggs sep­a­rate from or be­low all ready-to-eat food to pre­vent cross con­tam­i­na­tion. Inspec­tor: Kelly Sat­tler.

Promed­ica Wild­wood Or­tho­pe­dic & Spine, 2901 N. Rey­nolds, in­spected Oct. 23. The steam ta­ble is hold­ing eggs at 121 de­grees and sau­sage at 103 de­grees. Food must be held hot at a min­i­mum of 135 de­grees. Foods re­heated to at least 165 de­grees. Ad­just the steam ta­ble so that all foods hold hot at 135 de­grees or higher. Inspec­tor: Sat­tler.

Ye Olde Durty Bird, 2 S. St. Clair, in­spected Oct. 23. Prep-top cooler hold­ing at 43 to 45 de­grees range. Cold hold­ing must be main­tained at 41 de­grees or be­low to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Ad­just cooler and mon­i­tor tem­per­a­tures closely. Noo­dles at 70 de­grees be­ing held in im­prop­erly set-up ice bath, with ice con­tact­ing only the bot­tom of the con­tainer of noo­dles. Main­tain noo­dles hot at 135 de­grees or above or cool down prop­erly and main­tain at 41 de­grees or be­low. Grilled on­ions and pre­pared tuna salad held for use in the walk-in and cook-line cool­ers past their ex­pi­ra­tion dates. Dis­card these items and mon­i­tor dates closely. Inspec­tor: Cip­iti.

Jan’s Chili Dogs, 5668 W. Cen­tral, in­spected Oct. 23. Under-counter cooler hold­ing food above 41 de­grees. Food must be held at 41 de­grees or be­low to pre­vent bac­te­ria growth. Inspec­tor: Wilke.

Burger King, 1535 E. Alexis, in­spected Oct. 9. An un­cov­ered em­ployee bev­er­age on the spe­cialty prep ta­ble. Em­ployee bev­er­ages must have lids and be stored to pro­tect food and clean items/sur­faces from con­tam­i­na­tion. Cor­rected. Food item held time in lieu of tem­per­a­ture marked for a five-hour hold time. To limit bac­te­ria growth, prod­ucts must be dis­carded af­ter four hours. Cor­rected. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Zablocki Se­nior Center, 3015 La­grange, in­spected Oct. 23. Raw shell eggs stored above but­ter pack­ets in the two-door cooler. To pre­vent cross con­tam­i­na­tion, store raw meats and shell eggs on the bot­tom shelf. Cor­rected. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

In & Out Ex­press, 5870 Skyview, in­spected Oct. 22. Beer stored in the three-bay sink. Do not block sinks or use for stor­age. The three-bay sink must be ac­ces­sible for proper ware wash­ing. Use the mop sink to dump leak­ing items, and des­ig­nate an area for dis­tressed mer­chan­dise. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Point Stop Con­ve­nience, 5417 N. Sum­mit, in­spected Oct. 22. Food items in the dis­play cooler above 41 de­grees. To limit bac­te­ria growth, re­frig­er­a­tion is re­quired to hold prod­uct at 41 de­grees or lower. Tem­per­a­ture ad­justed. No dates on ready-to-eat food items. To limit bac­te­ria growth, ready-to-eat foods item kept lon­ger than 24 hours must be date-marked for seven days and be held at 41 de­grees or lower. Cor­rected. Inspec­tor: Stan­ley.

Lit­tle Cae­sar’s, 1515 S. Byrne, in­spected Oct. 16. Re­pair back hand sink’s leak­ing hot wa­ter fau­cet. Inspec­tor: Mike Brady.

Tasty Thai, 1515 Byrne, in­spected Oct. 22. San­itiz­ing solu­tion must be in use all day. Inspec­tor: Brady.

As­te­ria (6 Pack Bar & Grill), 710 S. Rey­nolds, in­spected Oct. 19. Chlo­rine and qua­ternary am­mo­nia test strips needed. Metal-stem ther­mom­e­ter with a tem­per­a­ture range of 0 to 220 de­grees needed. Inspec­tor: Brady.

Connx­tions Com­edy Club II, 5319 Heat­h­er­downs, in­spected Oct. 25. Un­la­beled spray bot­tles in use in the kitchen/bar area. Spray bot­tles in use must be la­beled with the com­mon name of the prod­uct be­ing used. Inspec­tor: Paul Bau­man.

TW Recre­ational Ser­vices dba: Maumee Bay, 1750 Park, Ore­gon, in­spected Oct. 24. Un­safe tem­per­a­tures in drawer cooler. Food must be held at 41 de­grees or lower to limit bac­te­ria growth. Ser­vice cooler to main­tain proper in­ter­nal tem­per­a­tures to food. Inspec­tor: Tester.

Shorty’s True Amer­i­can Road­house (BBQ), 5111 Mon­roe, in­spected Oct. 15. No san­i­tizer de­tected in the wipe cloth bucket. Change out san­i­tizer as of­ten as needed to main­tain quat at 200 ppm or chlo­rine at 100 ppm in the wipe cloth buck­ets. Also, keep a wipe cloth bucked set up at food prep area. Inspec­tor: Tester.

Pot­belly Sand­wich Shop, 4038 Tal­madge, in­spected Oct. 15. Prep-top cooler next to the oven is hold­ing sliced to­ma­toes at 52 de­grees, chicken salad at 55 de­grees, and may­on­naise at 54 de­grees. Food must be held cold at 41 de­grees or lower. Ad­just or re­pair this cooler im­me­di­ately. Cooler was ad­justed. Inspec­tor: Sat­tler.

Bar 145, 5305 Mon­roe, in­spected Oct. 15. The hand-wash­ing sink clos­est to the cook line has a leak and is cur­rently turned off. Re­pair this sink im­me­di­ately as it is the clos­est sink to the food prep area for con­ve­nient hand wash­ing. The one-door cooler in the back prep area is hold­ing food at 43 to 44 de­grees. Ad­just this cooler so that food hold cold at 41 de­grees or lower. The main prep-top cooler is hold­ing foods at 37 to 47 de­grees. Ad­just or re­pair this cooler so that all food items are held cold at 41 de­grees or lower. Inspec­tor: Sat­tler.

Tim Hor­ton’s, 161 W. Dus­sel, Maumee, in­spected Oct. 23. Hash browns held by time in lieu of tem­per­a­ture not prop­erly marked with a dis­card time. To use time as a pub­lic health con­trol, food must be clearly marked with a dis­card time not to ex­ceed that which was ap­proved in on-site writ­ten pro­ce­dures. Inspec­tor: Bau­man.

Bowl­ero Lanes, 4598 Mon­roe, in­spected Oct. 18. Raw ba­con stored above let­tuce and to­mato. Store raw meat be­low ready-to-eat food to pre­vent cross con­tam­i­na­tion. Fa­cil­ity of­fers let­tuce and to­ma­toes for ham­burg­ers but does not have a food-prep­a­ra­tion sink to wash the pro­duce as re­quired. In­stall a sep­a­rate food-prep sink with a two inch air gap in its plumb­ing or prac­tice batch wash­ing and put a two-inch air gap on the third ba­sin of the three-bay sink to prop­erly wash pro­duce. Re­pair the sec­ond un­used three-bay sink in the bar so that it can be used as a hand sink. The four-bay sink is used for dump­ing, wash­ing, rins­ing, and san­i­tiz­ing but a hand sink is re­quired at the bar as well. Inspec­tor: Wilke.

NZR Retail of Toledo Corp., 905 South, in­spected Oct. 15. De­bris and lit­ter blow­ing around and all over grass lot on side of build­ing. This area can har­bor pests. Keep area clean to pre­vent pests. Cases of mo­tor oil and anti-freeze stored above boxes of candy. Mo­tor oil and anti-freeze must be stored away from food to pre­vent chem­i­cal con­tam­i­na­tion. Ob­tain hand soap for rest room. Hand sinks must have soap, hot wa­ter, and pa­per tow­els for proper hand wash­ing. Inspec­tor: Sus­dorf.

Stop By Car­ry­out, 2350 Air­port, in­spected Oct. 15. No hot wa­ter. Hot wa­ter needs to be avail­able to sell any cof­fee or ca­puc­cino prod­ucts. Sus­pended sales of cof­fee and ca­puc­cino im­me­di­ately un­til hot wa­ter is re­stored. Inspec­tor: Sus­dorf.

Cinco De Mayo Amigos, 3111 Na­varre, in­spected Oct. 23. Chem­i­cal spray bot­tles with­out la­bels. Work­ing spray bot­tles must be la­beled with com­mon name of con­tents for proper iden­ti­fi­ca­tion to pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion. Inspec­tor: Tester.

St. Cath­er­ine School, 1154 Corbin, in­spected Oct. 23. A cer­ti­fied per­son in charge must be avail­able dur­ing hours of op­er­a­tion. Inspec­tor: Seger.

Papa John’s Pizza, 3150 Na­varre, in­spected Oct. 22. Miss­ing date mark on bone­less wings. Food held lon­ger than 24 hours shall have a date mark and dis­card af­ter seven days to limit bac­te­ria growth. Date wings once pack­age opened. Inspec­tor: Tester.

Fam­ily Pan­try, 4319 Heat­h­er­downs, in­spected Oct. 21. Raw eggs stored above ready-to-eat foods in cooler. To pre­vent con­tam­i­na­tion, store raw eggs on bot­tom shelf of cooler. Inspec­tor: Bau­man.


No vi­o­la­tions

McGre­gor Ele­men­tary School, 3534 McGre­gor.

Taco Bell, 2234 W. Alexis.

Health Care Reit Inc., 4500 Dorr.

Wal­bridge Ele­men­tary School, 1245 Wal­bridge.

J. B. Sim­mons Jr. Fa­cil­ity Build­ing, 1001 In­di­ana.

Ray­mer Ele­men­tary School, 565 White.

Stop N Go, 208 S. Sum­mit.

Hick­ory Farms Out­let Center, 308 W. Dus­sel, Maumee

Ur­ban Ac­tive, 1361 Conant, Maumee.

Maumee Bay Lodge & Con­fer­ence Center, 1750 Park, Ore­gon.

Cris­sey Ele­men­tary School, 9220 Geiser, Hol­land.

Hol­lo­way Ele­men­tary School, 6611 Pil­liod, Hol­land.

The Olive Tree, 3355 Bri­ar­field, Maumee.

Toledo Zoo Grill Area, 2700 Broad­way.

Edge­wa­ter School, 5549 Edge­wa­ter.

Arby’s, 611 Man­hat­tan.

Lever­ette Mid­dle School, 445 East Man­hat­tan.

Spring Ele­men­tary School, 730 Spring.

Lit­tle Cae­sar’s, 3145 La­grange.

Chase Ele­men­tary School, 600 Bas­sett.

Sher­man Ele­men­tary School, 817 Sher­man.

Mei­jer gas sta­tion, 1500 E. Alexis.

Pilot Travel Center/Sub­way, 5820 Hag­man.

Toys ’R’ Us, 5025 Mon­roe.

Elaine’s Tea Shoppe, 5442 Mon­roe.

Shore­land Ele­men­tary School, 5650 Suder.