Bry­mer named COO of The Image Group


The Image Group, a Toledo-based mar­ket­ing firm, has named George Bry­mer to the newly cre­ated role of chief op­er­at­ing of­fi­cer, ef­fec­tive to­day.

Mr. Bry­mer is a lead­er­ship trainer and au­thor who worked in op­er­a­tions, sales, and in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy in the bank­ing in­dus­try. He has been con­sult­ing with The Image Group for two years.

The com­pany said Mr. Bry­mer’s ar­rival will al­low com­pany Pres­i­dent Jon Le­vine to con­cen­trate on ex­pand­ing the com­pany's foot­print. It has of­fices in Ann Ar­bor, Fort Wayne, Ind., Chi­cago, Cleve­land, and Bruns­wick, Ohio.