Prep track, ECHL, auto racing


High school track

Suburban Lakes League Championships

At Eastwood


Team scores: 1. Eastwood 188, 2. Genoa 110.5, 3. Lakota 99.5, 4.

Elmwood 79.33, 5. Woodmore 52, 6. Gibsonburg 48.33, 7. Otsego 41.33,

8. Lake 40.

Event winners: Shot put-1. Kallin St. John (Lake) 48-06.00, 2. Auer

(Gen) 46-06.75, 3. Walls (Lake) 45-06.50, 4. Griffith (East)

44-02.00, 5. Wolpert (Gib) 42-11.00, 6. Tahy (Elm) 42-08.25, 7.

Rutherford (East) 42-07.50, 8. Punches (Ots) 42-01.00.

Discus-1. Nick Ewing (Lako) 139-04, 2. Berry (Elm) 135-02, 3. Curry

(Lake) 133-02, 4. House (Lako) 130-11, 5. Hernandez (East) 130-04, 6.

Tahy (Elm) 122-05, 7. Thomas (Ots) 116-08, 8. Rutherford (East)


High jump-1. Ben Edens (Gen) 6-01, 2. Brown (Elm) 6-00, 3.

Hoodlebrink (East) 5-11, 4. Bottesch (Elm) 5-10, 5. Hoodlebrink

(East) 5-10, 6. Chalfin (Lako) 5-08, 7. Smith (Lako) 5-06, 8.

Glassford (Ots) 5-06.

Long jump-1. Justin Hoodlebrink (East) 22-01.00, 2. Fairbanks (East)

21-08.25, 3. Allums (Elm) 19-09.50, 4. Henck (Ots) 19-07.25, 5. Edens

(Gen) 19-01.75, 6. Massey (Lako) 19-01.00, 7. Perry (Gen) 18-06.25,

8. Tersingni (Lake) 18-05.25.

Pole vault-1. Ryan McKibben (East) 14-06, 2. Oberdick (East) 13-00,

3. Dickey (Ots) 11-06, 4. Threet (Gen) 11-00, 4. Lowery (Lako) 11-00,

6. Holcomb (Gib) 10-00, 7. Allison (Lako) 10-00, 8. Smith (Ots) 9-06,

8. Sterling (Elm) 9-06, 8. Hiser (Gib) 9-06.

3200 relay-1. Eastwood (Nick Katakis, Steve Welling, Ian Zimmerman,

Don Russell ) 8:33.49, 2. Lakota 8:44.70, 3. Otsego 8:55.32, 4. Genoa

9:12.71, 5. Woodmore 9:21.61, 6. Elmwood 9:28.51, 7. Lake 10:35.63.

110 hurdles-1. Jack Schemenauer (East) 15.28, 2. Havens (Lako) 16.16,

3. Brown (Elm) 16.99, 4. Henninger (Gen) 17.68, 5. Walker (East)

17.82, 6. Smith (Lako) 17.91, 7. Dickey (Ots) 17.94, 8. Smith (Ots)


100 dash-1. Blair Skilliter (Gen) 11.68, 2. Hunter (East) 11.85, 3.

Wieland (Wood) 11.87, 4. Gerwin (East) 11.92, 5. Marion (Lake) 12.11,

6. Bl. Skilliter (Gen) 12.19, 7. Nehls (Gib) 12.27, 8. Lowery (Lako)


800 relay-1. Eastwood (Trey Hunter, Kory Turnow, Josh Fairbanks,

Justin Hoodlebrink) 1:33.25R, 2. Genoa 1:35.67, 3. Gibsonburg

1:37.46, 4. Woodmore 1:37.58, 5. Elmwood 1:38.66, 6. Otsego 1:39.31,

7. Lakota 1:42.12.

1600-1. Alex Peters (Gen) 4:36.66, 2. Wegert (Wood) 4:39.70, 3.

Kirwen (Gib) 4:42.89, 4. Adams (East) 4:44.01, 5. Johnson (East)

4:44.85, 6. Allison (Lako) 4:46.36, 7. Hiser (Gib) 4:47.91, 8.

Bowsher (Elm) 4:48.24.

400 relay-1. Eastwood (Trey Hunter, Josh Fairbanks, Justin

Hoodlebrink, Eric Gerwin) 45.15, 2. Genoa 45.91, 3. Lakota 46.42, 4.

Elmwood 47.52, 5. Gibsonburg 47.66, 6. Otsego 47.68.

400-1. Mike Gibbons (East) 52.61, 2. Schettine (Wood) 52.78, 3.

Smithey (Elm) 53.96, 4. Heminger (Lako) 55.12, 5. Perry (Gen) 55.43,

6. Sarks (Ots) 55.87, 7. Wright (Wood) 55.98, 8. Evans (Ots) 56.10.

300 hurdles-1. Jack Schemenauer (East) 41.00, 2. Havens (Lako) 42.66,

3. Apple (Lako) 44.45, 4. Brown (Elm) 45.28, 5. Henninger (Gen)

45.66, 6. Mathias (Elm) 46.00, 7. Kohring (East) 46.76, 8. Mikels

(Lake) 46.83.

800-1. Alex Peters (Gen) 2:04.60, 2. Russell (East) 2:06.32, 3.

Zimmerman (East) 2:07.38, 4. Hiser (Gib) 2:08.24, 5. Ferrel (Wood)

2:09.35, 6. Miller (Lako) 2:11.16, 7. Weisenborn (Ots) 2:11.20, 8.

Holbrooke (Wood) 2:14.90.

200-1. Justin Hoodlebrink (East) 23.56, 2. Marion (Lake) 23.60, 3.

Gerwin (East) 23.85, 4. Perry (Gen) 24.24., 5. Wieland (Wood) 24.41,

6. Smithey (Elm) 24.97, 7. Skilliter (Gen) 24.98, 8. Eickert (Gib)


3200-1. Jordan Kirwen (Gib) 10:13.83, 2. Allison (Lako) 10:16.73, 3.

Bowsher (Elm) 10:17.98, 4. Tiell (Lako) 10:22.32, 5. Williamson (Gib)

10:25.90, 6. Wegert (Wood) 10:47.56, 7. Adams (East) 10:58.00, 8.

Nufer (Wood) 11:13.68.

1600 relay-1. Eastwood (Jack Schemenauer, Josh Fairbanks, Don

Russell, Mike Gibbons) 3:35.11, 2. Genoa 3:40.05, 3. Woodmore

3:44.65, 4. Otsego 3:46.04, 5. Lakota 3:52.30, 6. Elmwood 3:53.69, 7.

Lake 3:57.23, 8. Gibsonburg 4:04.86.


Team scores: 1. Eastwood 193.5, 2. Woodmore 120, 3. Lakota 93, 4.

Otsego 75.5, 5. Elmwood 64, 6. Genoa 47.5, 7. Gibsonburg 40, 8. Lake


Event winners: Shot put-1. Emily Pendleton (Wood) 39-10.50, 2. Er.

Pendleton (Wood) 34-05.00, 3. Bockbrader (East) 34-04.00, 4.

Kohlhofer (East) 34-02.00, 5. Tyson (Lako) 33-03.00, 6. Boice (Lako)

32-10.50, 7. Cox (Lake) 29-05.00, 8. Lusk (Ots) 28-00.00.

Discus-1. Emily Pendleton (Wood) 158-08R, 2. Kohlhofer (East) 114-09,

3. Boice (Lako) 112-01, 4. Er. Pendleton (Wood) 110-00, 5. Lusk (Ots)

107-03, 6. Park (Lako) 106-03, 7. Brock (Lake) 99-11, 8. Morlock

(Wlm) 95-02.

High jump-1. Leslie Eckhart (Lako) 5-00, 2. Lowry (Wood) 4-11, 3.

Jacobson (Wood) 3. Schuessler (East) 4-10, 3. Haws (East) 4-10, 6.

Ansell (Gen) 4-10, 7. Wasserman (Lako) 4-08, 8. Damshroder (Gib) 4-08.

Long jump-1. Bridgett Betka (Wood) 15-04.00, 2. Redman (East)

15-00.50, 3. Evans (Ots) 14-11.00, 4. Ansell (Gen) 14-10.75, 5. Haws

(East) 14-09.50, 6. Scott (Ots) 14-09.50, 7. Keaton (Wood) 14-07.75,

8. Archibald (Lako) 14-05.00.

Pole vault-1. Jessie Naderer (Lako) 10-08R, 2. Wasserman (Lako)

10-00R, 3. Lahey (East) 9-06R, 4. Dennen (Ots) 9-00, 5. Estes (Gen)

8-06, 5. Griffith (East) 8-06, 7. Dickey (Ots) 8-06, 7. Damshroder

(Gib) 8-06.

3200 relay-1. Eastwood (Breann Pfouts, Andrea Pasquale, Kelsey Lauck,

Danielle Thornton) 10:18.98, 2. Elmwood 10:21.91, 3. Gibsonburg

10:39.77, 4. Lakota 10:51.19, 5. Genoa 10:52.80, 6. Otsego 11:02.44,

7. Woodmore 11:42.84.

100 hurdles-1. Leesa Corken (East) 16.85, 2. Dennen (Ots) 16.88, 3.

Redman (East) 17.17, 4. Betka (Wood) 17.92, 5. Wright (Wood) 17.99,

6. Miller (Lako) 18.11, 7. McCloskey (Lake) 18.56, 8. Wilson (Lako)


100-1. Lindy Donaldson (East) 13.51, 2. Helm (East) 13.53, 3. Evans

(Ots) 13.78, 4. Bottesch (Elm) 13.93, 5. Estes (Gen) 14.00, 6. Davis

(Elm) 14.18, 7. Esker (Gib) 14.40, 7. Hirzel (Lake) 14.40.

800 relay-1. Eastwood (Danielle Thornton, Amy Helm, Charlotte Sexton,

Lizzie Lahey) 1:49.62, 2. Woodmore 1:52.24, 3. Elmwood 1:57.51, 4.

Gibsonburg 1:59.95, 5. Otsego 1:00.72, 6. Genoa 2:02.15, 7. Lake

2:02.37, 8. Lakota 2:05.47.

1600-1. Kaye Bockbrader (Elm) 5:32.11, 2. Reese (Lako) 5:33.39, 3.

Eli (Gen) 5:34.93, 4. Weisenborn (Ots) 5:38.53, 5. Lauck (East)

5:50.51, 6. Appelhans (East) 5:52.24, 7. Varty (Elm) 5:55.26, 8. Foos

(Gib) 6:09.26.

400 relay-1. Eastwood (Lindy Donaldson, Leesa Corken, Amy Helm,

Charlotte Sexton) 53.85, 2. Elmwood 55.73, 3. Lakota 55.91, 4. Otsego

57.47, 5. Genoa 58.26, 6. Lake 58.41.

400-1. Breann Pfouts (East) 1:02.52, 2. Jacobson (Wood) 1:02.84, 3.

Dupler (Wood) 1:03.08, 4. Evans (Ots) 1:04.06, 5. Hirzel (Lake)

1:06.49, 6. McCloskey (Lake) 1:06.55, 7. Jacoby (East) 1:06.88, 8.

McDermott (Gib) 1:07.81.

300 hurdles-1. Lizzie Lahey (East) 47.13, 2. Dennen (Ots) 47.57, 3.

Gottfried (East) 51.93, 4. Miller (Lako) 52.16, 5. Wright (Wood)

52.17, 6. Damshroder (Gib) 54.65, 7. Barnhisel (Elm) 55.74, 8.

Vollmar (Ots) 57.61.

800-1. Danielle Thornton (East) 2:23.81, 2. Thomas (Wood) 2:26.90, 3.

Reese (Lako) 2:32.23, 4. Burkett (Gib) 2:35.65, 5. Varty (Elm)

2:38.51, 6. Imbery (Gen) 2:43.32, 7. Dussel (Lako) 2:45.00, 8.

Rosendale (Elm) 2:47.39.

200-1. Lindy Donaldson (East) 28.35, 2. Helm (East) 28.44, 3. Dupler

(Wood) 28.69, 4. Estes (Gen) 28.98, 5. Dennen (Ots) 29.25, 6. Keaton

(Wood) 29.48, 7. Davies (Gib) 29.80, 8. Esker (Gib) 29.84.

3200-1. Kaye Bockbrader (Elm) 12:02.14, 2. Fisher (Gib) 12:12.98, 3.

Eli (Gen) 12:15.58, 4. Lauck (East) 12:39.94, 5. Girand (Lako)

12:45.41, 6. Weisenborn (Ots) 13:10.40, 7. Newby (Elm) 13:12.98, 8.

Longbrake (East) 13:16.43.

1600 relay-1. Eastwood (Breann Pfouts, Lindy Donaldson, Lizzie Lahey,

Danielle Thornton) 4:15.71, 2. Woodmore 4:18.58, 3. Lake 4:40.34, 4.

Lakota 4:40.35, 5. Gibsonburg 4:41.39, 6. Otsego 4:44.97, 7. Elmwood

4:48.13, 8. Genoa 5:01.74.

Sandusky Bay Conference Championships

At Margaretta High School


Team scores: Perkins 172, Edison 84, Huron 74, Clyde 71, Oak Harbor

63, St. Mary CC 31, Margaretta 28, Port Clinton 4.

Event winners: Shot put-1, Alan Miller (P) 50-3; 2, Williams (P)

45-8.75; 3, Young (OH) 45-5; 4, Smith (C) 43-10.5; 5, Guhn (C)

43-10.5; Dillinger (SM) 42-2.5.

Discus-1, Alex Edge (OH) 141-0.5; 2, Miller (P) 137-0; 3, Guhn (C)

131-2; 4, Steinhauser (P) 130-7.5; 5, Koelsch (E) 125-9; 6, Blair

(OH) 124-5.

High jump- 1, Ross Bird (P) 6-2; 2, Tea (C) 6-2; 3, Janitzki (P) 6-0;

4, Cook (C) 6-0; 4, Frankboner (E) 6-0; 6, Cox (PC) 5-8.

Long jump- 1, Calvin Black (H) 20-4.25; 2, Ohlemacher (OH) 19-10.75;

3, Bird (P) 19-10.5; 4, Mcilrath (E) 19-8.75; 5, Caudill (C) 19-1.25;

6, Birkholz (C) 18-8.

Pole vault- 1, Chad Wright (H) 12-6; 2, Kuns (M) 12-0; 3, Roope (C)

11-6; 4, Rich (C) 10-6; 5, Porter (OH) 10-; 6, Baxter (P) 10-0.

3200 relay- 1, Perkins (Michael Ahner, Chris Graber, Drew Sullivan,

Cory Leslie) 8:17.78; 2, Edison, 8:23.70; 3, Oak Harbor, 8:27.70; 4,

Clyde, 8:48.92; 5, Huron, 8:49.81; 6, St. Mary CC, 9:21.13.

110 hurdles- 1, Ninke (P) 15.29; 2, Warns (OH) 15.79; 3, Wetzel (C)

16.34; 4, Kalis (P) 16.53; 5, Amstutz (E) 16.70; 6, Hohlber (SM)


100 dash- 1, Hedberg (P) 11.21; 2, Black (H) 11.33; 3, Frankboner (E)

11.47; 4, Worley (E) 11.54; 5, Majoy (H) 11.61; 6, Caudill (C) 11.72.

800 relay- 1, Edison (Cory Frankboner, Mcilrath, Stoll, Worley)

1:32.48; 2, Perkins, 1:34.55; 3, Clyde, 1:34.58; 4, Huron, 1:35.18;

5, Port Clinton, 1:36.52; 6, St. Mary CC, 1:36.60.

1600 run- 1, Cory Leslie (P) 4:29.85; 2, Siesel (M) 4:34.04; 3, Johns

(E) 4:39.99; 4, Dow (E) 4:42.18; 5, Lemon (OH) 4:34.04; 6, Guerra

(SM) 4:48.59.

400 relay- 1, Huron (Chad Wright, Myles Majoy, Tony Woods, Calvin

Black) 44.01; 2, Edison (Opfer, Fox, Worley, Frankboner) 44.36; 3,

Perkins (Dessecker, Janitzki, Hayes, Ninke) 45.51; 4, Clyde (Sherman,

Birkholz, S. Caudill, N. Caudill) 45.67; 5, Oak Harbor (Warns, Ulery,

Hartman, Ohlemacher) 46.40; 6, Port Clinton (Madison, Wightman, Cox,

Kubicek) 46.50.

400 dash- 1, Dylan Keller (SM) 51.64; 2, Magers (OH) 52.01; 3, Lehrer

(H) 53.39; 4, Birkholz (C) 53.97; 5, Thurn (C) 54.05; 6, Turner (M)


300 hurdles- 1, Jeremy Ninke (P) 41.39; 2, Amstutz (E) 42.12; 3,

Porter (OH) 42.97; 4, Hohler (SM) 43.19; 5, Folger (H) 43.27; 6,

Kalis (P) 43.82.

800 run- 1, Cory Leslie (P) 1:59.88; 2, Dow (E) 2:03.41; 3, Reiche

(H) 2:04.40; 4, Graber (P) 2:06.05; 5, Hurlburt (OH) 2:06.17; 6,

Johns (E) 2:07.62.

200 dash- 1, Jayson Hedberg (P) 22.50; 2, Black (H) 23.08; 3, Worley

(E) 23.38; 4, Dessecker (P) 23.44; 5, Majoy (H) 23.52; 6, Mcilrath

(E) 23.64.

3200 run- 1, Siesel (M) 9:58.89; 2, Ahner (P) 10:15.06; 3, Guerra

(SM) 10:15.67; 4, Smith (P) 10:15.94; 5, Lemon (OH) 10:27.39; 6,

Rospert (E) 10:30.95.

1600 relay- 1, Perkins (Jayson Hedberg, Dirk Dessecker, Graber,

Leslie) 3:32.12; 2, Clyde, 3:34.80; 3, St. Mary CC, 3:38.01; 4,

Huron, 3:39.15; 5, Edison 3:40.35; 6, Margaretta, 3:42.01.

Performer of the Year: Cory Leslie, Perkins


Team scores: Perkins 139, Clyde 92, St. Mary CC 87, Oak Harbor 85,

Edison 41, Margaretta 37, Port Clinton 24, Huron 22.

Event winners: Shot put- 1, Amanda Willis (M) 36-2.5; 2, Lipstraw

(OH) 34-1.5; 3, Lowe (P) 33-3.25; 4, Baum (P) 33-3.25; 5, Richards

(E) 31-0.25; 6, Bentley (C) 30-11.

Discus- 1, Jessica Lipstraw (OH) 122-9.5; 2, Stein (C) 108-7; 3,

Lewis (P) 105-0; 4, Diefenthaler (OH) 98-2; 5, Lawrence (SM) 92-4.5;

6, Overfield (C) 90-7.

High jump- 1, Meghan Gill (C) 5-2; 2, Ellison (P) 5-0; 3, Underwood

(PC) 5-0; 4, Connell (OH) 4-10; 5, Oglesbee (P) 4-10; 6, Shetzer (C)


Long jump- 1, Jessie Vossmer (P) 15-8.25; 2, Aaron (P) 15-5.75; 3,

Gill (C) 14-11.25; 4, Connell (OH) 14-10.75; 5, Thomas (SM) 14-9.25;

6, Widman (SM) 14-6.25.

Pole vault- 1, Anika Kumar (P) 8-6; 2, Lesher (C) 8-6; 3, Snider (OH)

8-6; 4, Fitz (M) 8-0; 5, Behnken (OH) 8-0; 6, Hand (P) 7-0.

3200 relay- 1, Clyde (Ashley Alejandro, Chelsea Ebert, Allison

Bessken, Alexandra Lizarribar) 10:13.09; 2, Oak Harbor, 10:14.27; 3,

Huron, 10:15.06; 4, Perkins, 10:23.90; 5, Port Clinton, 10:49.47; 6,

Margaretta, 10:51.84.

100 hurdles- 1, Jessie Vossmer (P) 15.76; 2, Thomas (SM) 16.06; 3,

Tigner (PC) 16.72; 4, Diefenthaler (OH) 17.08; 5, Meade (C) 17.41; 6,

Fial (P) 17.60.

100 dash- 1, Emily Christman (SM) 12.75; 2, Mullens (SM)12.91; 3,

Goldstein (OH) 13.11; 4, Aldrich (C) 13.17; 5, Long (M) 13.18; 6,

Grathwol (P) 13.54.

800 relay- 1, St. Mary CC (Shana Anglin, Emily Christman, Rachel

Widman, Caitlin Mullens) 1:47.70; 2, Clyde, 1:51.47; 3, Edison,

1:51.68; 4, Oak Harbor, 1:51.81; 5, Margaretta, 1:55.04; 6, Port

Clinton, 1:57.40.

1600 run- 1, Jenna Baker (P) 5:18.40; 2, Foster (E) 5:21.37; 3,

Gephart (OH) 5:29.97; 4, Rodriguez (SM) 5:35.20; 5, Matso (P)

5:46.93; 6, Colley (H) 5:48.82.

400 relay- 1, St. Mary CC (Shana Anglin, Emily Christman, Rachel

Widman, Caitlin Mullens) 50.88; 2, Oak Harbor, 52.15; 3, Perkins,

52.52; 4, Margaretta, 53.68; 5, Port Clinton, 53.73; 6, Edison, 54.03.

400 dash- 1, Lindsay Smetzler (C) 1:00.39; 2, Caudell (P) 1:02.51; 3,

Hunter (P) 1:04.00; 4, Gray (M) 1:04.59; 5, Nelson (E) 1:05.14; 6,

Lilie (PC) 1:05.34.

300 hurdles- 1, Jessie Vossmer (P) 46.47; 2, Thomas (SM) 47.53; 3,

Tigner (PC) 47.85; 4, Lipstraw (OH) 48.48; 5, Rimboch (H) 49.36; 6,

Fial (P) 51.74.

800 run- 1, Sarah Orndorff (H) 2:28.56; 2, Lizarribar (C) 2:29.20; 3,

Robinson (E) 2:30.15; 4, Smith (P) 2:31.79; 5, Frisch (M) 2:33.10; 6,

Madison (OH) 2:35.32.

200 dash- 1, Emily Christman (SM) 26.71; 2, Widman (SM) 26.94; 3,

Aldrich (C) 27.10; 4, Long (M) 27.15; 5, Caudell (P) 27.50; 6,

Smetzler (C) 27.90.

1600 relay- 1, Perkins (Amber Hunter, Jenna Baker, Bethany Caudell,

Katie Galloway) 4:10.78; 2, Clyde, 4:11.46; 3, Oak Harbor, 4:17.89;

4, Margaretta, 4:24.78; 5, Edison, 4:25.30; 6, Huron, 4:26.00.

Performer of the Year: Emily Christman, SMCC


ECHL Playoffs



American Conference

Toledo vs. Gwinnett


Gwinnett 4, Toledo 2; Gwinnett leads series 2-1


Gwinnett at Toledo, 6:05 p.m.


Gwinnett at Toledo, 7:05 p.m.

Saturday, May 20

Toledo at Gwinnett, 7:35 p.m., if necessary

Sunday, May 21

Toledo at Gwinnett, 4:05 p.m., if necessary

National Conference

Alaska vs. Fresno

Last night

Alaska 3, Fresno 1, Series tied 2-2


Fresno 4, Alaska 3, OT


Alaska at Fresno, 10:30 p.m.

Friday, May 19

Fresno at Alaska, 11:15 p.m., if necessary

Monday, May 22

Fresno at Alaska, 11:15 p.m., if necessary


Byron Nelson Champ.


Irving, Texas

TPC Four Seasons Resort Las Colinas, 7,052 yards, par 70

Cottonwood Valley Course, 6,871 yards, par 70

Third Round

Trevor Immelman 68-67-64 199

Adam Scott 65-65-69 199

Brett Wetterich 66-64-70 200

Charley Hoffman 70-67-65 202

Chad Campbell 72-65-65 202

Joe Ogilvie 71-62-69 202

Omar Uresti 67-66-69 202

Jeff Sluman 70-70-64 204

Ted Purdy 70-69-65 204

Shane Bertsch 69-70-65 204

Scott McCarron 69-69-66 204

Dudley Hart 68-68-68 204

Luke Donald 69-66-69 204

Wes Short, Jr. 68-71-66 205

Bob Estes 66-69-70 205

Steve Lowery 65-69-71 205

Bo Van Pelt 67-68-70 205

Shigeki Maruyama 71-68-67 206

K.J. Choi 69-70-67 206

Jason Bohn 70-68-68 206

Richard S. Johnson 71-67-68 206

Brian Gay 69-69-68 206

Ryuji Imada 67-70-69 206

Ernie Els 68-69-69 206

Tim Herron 67-69-70 206

Arron Oberholser 74-60-72 206

Rod Pampling 71-69-67 207

Carl Pettersson 72-68-67 207

Billy Andrade 73-66-68 207

Bubba Dickerson 67-72-68 207

Billy Mayfair 71-67-69 207

Mathew Goggin 68-70-69 207

Corey Pavin 72-66-69 207

Ben Crane 71-67-69 207

Vijay Singh 70-67-70 207

Ryan Palmer 69-68-70 207

Kevin Sutherland 69-68-70 207

J.J. Henry 67-70-70 207

Tag Ridings 71-70-67 208

Eric Axley 73-67-68 208

Stephen Leaney 70-70-68 208

Peter Lonard 71-68-69 208

Charles Warren 70-69-69 208

Rory Sabbatini 71-68-69 208

Brian Davis 70-68-70 208

Shaun Micheel 70-68-70 208

Phil Tataurangi 68-66-74 208

Ron Whittaker 72-69-68 209

Kenny Perry 71-69-69 209

Greg Chalmers 73-67-69 209

Matt Hansen 69-70-70 209

Duffy Waldorf 71-68-70 209

Nathan Green 67-72-70 209

Nick Watney 74-64-71 209

Charles Howell III 69-69-71 209

Sean O Hair 72-66-71 209

Justin Rose 71-67-71 209

Chris DiMarco 74-67-69 210

Hunter Mahan 67-74-69 210

Tom Lehman 70-69-71 210

Brent Geiberger 71-68-71 210

Patrick Sheehan 74-65-71 210

Brett Quigley 69-69-72 210

Olin Browne 69-68-73 210

Dean Wilson 67-70-73 210

Michelob ULTRA Open


Williamsburg, Va.; Par: 71

Thid Round

Karrie Webb 66-68-66 200

Lorena Ochoa 73-67-65 205

Pat Hurst 68-68-69 205

Cristie Kerr 69-66-70 205

Hee-Won Han 71-67-69 207

Jeong Jang 68-70-70 208

Paula Creamer 70-72-67 209

Yu Ping Lin 68-74-67 209

Angela Stanford 72-67-70 209

Joo Mi Kim 71-68-70 209

Sun Young Yoo 74-66-70 210

Jimin Kang 67-73-70 210

Juli Inkster 70-67-73 210

Alena Sharp 70-73-68 211

Mi Hyun Kim 73-69-69 211

Heather Young 71-71-69 211

Reilley Rankin 70-69-72 211

Brittany Lang 69-70-72 211

Wendy Ward 72-71-69 212

Stacy Prammanasudh 73-69-70 212

Natalie Gulbis 72-69-71 212

Tina Barrett 72-72-69 213

Helen Alfredsson 70-74-69 213

Laura Diaz 72-71-70 213

Suzann Pettersen 73-67-73 213

Jennifer Rosales 70-70-73 213

Se Ri Pak 73-72-69 214

Brittany Lincicome 74-70-70 214

Morgan Pressel 73-71-70 214

Beth Daniel 72-72-70 214

Julieta Granada 71-72-71 214

Il Mi Chung 73-69-72 214

Laurie Rinker 73-68-73 214

Jee Young Lee 72-69-73 214

Brandie Burton 69-72-73 214

Shi Hyun Ahn 70-69-75 214

Mikaela Parmlid 74-71-70 215

Young-A Yang 73-71-71 215

Seon Hwa Lee 72-70-73 215

Becky Morgan 72-70-73 215

Stephanie Louden 71-71-73 215

Amy Hung 70-72-73 215

Virada Nirapathpongporn 70-71-74 215

Meena Lee 68-71-76 215

Louise Stahle 74-70-72 216

Gloria Hee Jun Park 71-73-72 216

Nadina Light 70-74-72 216

Kim Saiki 71-72-73 216

Christina Kim 71-72-73 216

Shinobu Moromizato 71-72-73 216

Kristi Albers 71-71-74 216

Karen Stupples 71-70-75 216

Jill McGill 69-72-75 216

Grace Park 73-67-76 216

Lee Ann Walker-Cooper 72-73-72 217

Marcy Hart 72-70-75 217

Emily Bastel 71-71-75 217

Katie Futcher 74-71-73 218

Young Kim 72-73-73 218

Laura Davies 71-74-73 218

Rosie Jones 71-73-74 218

Boeing Championship

Champions Tour

Sandestin, Fla.; Par: 71 (35-36)

Second Round

Bobby Wadkins 62-71 133

Craig Stadler 71-65 136

John Harris 70-66 136

Loren Roberts 69-68 137

Curtis Strange 66-71 137

Mike McCullough 67-71 138

Bruce Summerhays 72-67 139

Tom Watson 72-67 139

D.A. Weibring 72-67 139

Scott Simpson 69-70 139

Wayne Levi 69-70 139

Andy Bean 72-68 140

Bob Gilder 72-68 140

Allen Doyle 72-68 140

Jerry Pate 71-69 140

Hale Irwin 70-70 140

Dan Pohl 70-70 140

Tom Jenkins 70-70 140

Morris Hatalsky 69-71 140

Mitch Adcock 67-73 140

Dana Quigley 74-67 141

Hubert Green 73-68 141

Bruce Fleisher 73-68 141

Lee Trevino 72-69 141

Gil Morgan 72-69 141

John Bland 72-69 141

Brad Bryant 71-70 141

Raymond Floyd 68-73 141

Jim Albus 72-70 142

Bruce Lietzke 72-70 142

Peter Jacobsen 72-70 142

Ed Dougherty 70-72 142

David Edwards 69-73 142

Bill Longmuir 74-69 143

Keith Fergus 70-73 143

Lonnie Nielsen 70-73 143

Graham Marsh 75-69 144

Jim Thorpe 75-69 144

J.C. Snead 74-70 144

Jay Sigel 73-71 144

Tom Purtzer 73-71 144

John Jacobs 70-74 144

Don Pooley 66-78 144

Mike Hill 76-69 145

Tim Simpson 75-70 145

Ben Crenshaw 75-70 145

Scott Masingill 75-70 145

Ron Streck 73-72 145

Jim Dent 72-73 145

Tom Kite 72-73 145

Mark Johnson 71-74 145

Dave Stockton 74-72 146

Doug Tewell 72-74 146

David Eger 69-77 146

Tom Wargo 76-71 147

Rick Karbowski 76-71 147

Danny Edwards 75-72 147

Gary Koch 72-75 147

Jack Ferenz 72-75 147

Howard Twitty 73-74 147


Dodge Charger 500

At Darlington (S.C.) Raceway

Lap length: 1.366 miles

(Start position in parentheses)

1. (9) Greg Biffle, Ford, 367, $290,175. 2. (12) Jeff Gordon,

Chevrolet, 367, $223,161. 3. (31) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 367, $205,291.

4. (25) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 367, $165,311. 5. (22) Dale

Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 367, $152,916.

6. (2) Ryan Newman, Dodge, 367, $139,333. 7. (29) Kyle Busch,

Chevrolet, 367, $120,625. 8. (17) Mark Martin, Ford, 367, $105,625.

9. (20) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 367, $115,320. 10. (5) Denny Hamlin,

Chevrolet, 367, $97,900.

11. (16) Reed Sorenson, Dodge, 367, $94,375. 12. (13) Tony Stewart,

Chevrolet, 367, $133,386. 13. (24) Robby Gordon, Chevrolet, 367,

$85,225. 14. (39) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 367, $108,408. 15.

(23) Ken Schrader, Ford, 366, $109,814.

16. (36) Joe Nemechek, Chevrolet, 366, $106,995. 17. (21) Casey

Mears, Dodge, 366, $113,908. 18. (40) Kyle Petty, Dodge, 366,

$103,133. 19. (10) Kurt Busch, Dodge, 366, $115,633. 20. (42) Tony

Raines, Chevrolet, 366, $76,725.

21. (1) Kasey Kahne, Dodge, 366, $126,439. 22. (11) Bobby Labonte,

Dodge, 366, $113,136. 23. (3) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 365, $84,400.

24. (35) Dale Jarrett, Ford, 365, $106,750. 25. (4) David Stremme,

Dodge, 365, $96,533.

26. (26) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, 365, $107,775. 27. (32) Dave Blaney,

Dodge, 364, $84,158. 28. (27) Sterling Marlin, Chevrolet, 364,

$81,322. 29. (6) Elliott Sadler, Ford, 364, $99,483. 30. (18) Travis

Kvapil, Chevrolet, 364, $71,400.

31. (19) Scott Riggs, Dodge, 363, $68,150. 32. (28) Jeff Green,

Chevrolet, 363, $75,975. 33. (38) Scott Wimmer, Chevrolet, 363,

$68,750. 34. (43) Terry Labonte, Chevrolet, 361, $67,675. 35. (37)

Michael Waltrip, Dodge, 359, $67,450.

36. (41) Kevin Lepage, Dodge, 353, $67,300. 37. (14) Kevin Harvick,

Chevrolet, 350, $104,036. 38. (30) Jeremy Mayfield, Dodge, 346,

$96,866. 39. (7) Carl Edwards, Ford, 281, engine failure, $86,550.

40. (34) Stanton Barrett, Chevrolet, 255, engine failure, $66,600.

41. (8) Brian Vickers, Chevrolet, 246, $74,475. 42. (15) Jamie

McMurray, Ford, 223, engine failure, $113,200. 43. (33) Derrike Cope,

Dodge, 11, oil pressure, $66,577.

Race Statistics

Time of Race: 3 hours, 42 minutes, 36 seconds.

Margin of Victory: 0.209 seconds.

Winner s Average Speed: 135.127 mph.

Lead Changes: 25 among 10 drivers.

Lap Leaders: K.Kahne 1-29; D.Blaney 30; K.Kahne 31-35; G.Biffle

36-96; K.Kahne 97-103; G.Biffle 104-113; M.Kenseth 114-115; G.Biffle

116-126; M.Kenseth 127-150; R.Newman 151; D.Jarrett 152; M.Kenseth

153-190; J.Johnson 191-212; G.Biffle 213; J.Johnson 214-248; G.

Biffle 249; J.Johnson 250-264; G.Biffle 265-301; J.Johnson 302-307;

J.Gordon 308; J.Johnson 309-311; J.Gordon 312-315; R.Newman 316;

Ky.Busch 317; R.Gordon 318; G.Biffle 319-367.

Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Lead, Laps Led): Greg Biffle, 7 times

for 170 laps; Jimmie Johnson, 5 times for 81 laps; Matt Kenseth, 3

times for 64 laps; Kasey Kahne, 3 times for 41 laps; Jeff Gordon 2

times for 5 laps; Ryan Newman, 2 times for 2 laps; Dave Blaney 1 time

for 1 lap; Dale Jarrett, 1 time for 1 lap; Kyle Busch, 1 time for 1

lap; Robby Gordon, 1 time for 1 lap.

Point Standings: 1. J.Johnson, 1,686. 2. T.Stewart, 1,593. 3.

M.Kenseth, 1,592. 4. M.Martin, 1,487. 5. D.Earnhardt Jr., 1,460. 6.

J.Gordon, 1,391. 7. Ky.Busch, 1,388. 8. K.Kahne, 1,379. 9. K.Harvick,

1,365. 10. J.Burton, 1,295.

Spanish Grand Prix

F1; Today s lineup

At Circuit of Catalunya, road course


Lap length: 2.937 miles

1. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Renault, 1 minute, 14.648 seconds, 138.549

mph. 2. Giancarlo Fisichella, Italy, Renault, 1:14.709. 3. Michael

Schumacher, Germany, Ferrari, 1:14.970. 4. Felipe Massa, Brazil,

Ferrari, 1:15.442. 5. Rubens Barrichello, Brazil, Honda, 1:15.885.

6. Ralf Schumacher, Germany, Toyota, 1:15.885. 7. Jarno Trulli,

Italy, Toyota, 1:15.976. 8. Jenson Button, Britain, Honda, 1:16.008.

9. Kimi Raikkonen, Finland, McLaren-Mercedes, 1:16.015. 10. Nick

Heidfeld, Germany, BMW-Sauber, 1:17.114.

Eliminated after second 15-minute session

11. Mark Webber, Australia, Williams, 1:15.502. 12. Juan Pablo

Montoya, Colombia, McLaren-Mercedes. 1:15.801. 13. Nico Rosberg,

Germany, Williams, 1:15.804. 14. Jacques Villeneuve, Canada,

BMW-Sauber, 1:15.847. 15. Christian Klien, Austria, Red Bull,


16. Vitantonio Liuzzi, Italy, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 1:16.661.

Eliminated after first 15-minute session

17. Scott Speed, United States, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 1:17.361. 18.

Tiego Monteiro, Portugal, Midland, 1:17.702. 19. Christijan Albers,

Netherlands, Midland, 1:18.024. 20. Takuma Sato, Japan, Super Aguri,


21. Franck Montagny, France, Super Aguri, 1:20.763. 22. David

Coulthard, Britain, Red Bull, no time.


Arena Football League


Eastern Division


z-Dallas 13 3 0 .813 929 710

x-New York 10 6 0 .625 848 887

x-Philadelphia 9 7 0 .563 777 747

Columbus 8 8 0 .500 724 717

Southern Division


y-Orlando 10 6 0 .625 813 758

x-Austin 10 6 0 .625 816 757

x-Georgia 8 8 0 .500 855 735

Tampa Bay 7 9 0 .438 808 858

Kansas City 3 13 0 .188 704 842


Central Division


z-Colorado 11 5 0 .688 903 833

x-Nashville 8 8 0 .500 818 799

x-Chicago 7 9 0 .438 825 834

Grand Rapids 5 11 0 .313 722 875

Western Division


y-San Jose 10 6 0 .625 898 848

x-Arizona 8 8 0 .500 774 756

x-Utah 7 9 0 .438 849 883

Las Vegas 5 11 0 .313 748 874

Los Angeles 5 11 0 .313 808 906

x-clinched playoff spot

y-clinched division

z-clinched conference


Chicago 70, Grand Rapids 47

Philadelphia 57, Georgia 41

Nashville 66, Tampa Bay 50

San Jose 68, Columbus 47

Los Angeles 44, Las Vegas 27


Austin 67, Orlando 43

Dallas 82, New York 38

Colorado 59, Arizona 35

Utah 55, Kansas City 54


Division I Sectional

At Ohio Northern University

(Top four finishers advance to districts)

Semifinals: Collette (Fin) d. Krick (Celina) 6-3, 6-2; Laskaris

(Marion Harding) d. Powers (BG) 6-1, 7-6; Elbin/Lentz (Fin) d.

Moomaw/Runion (Columbian) 6-0, 6-2; Everman/Stetler (Celina) d.

Stepleton/Cress (Lima Senior) 4-6, 6-4, 6-1.

Finals: Collette (Fin) d. Laskaris (Marion Harding) 6-3, 6-4; Krick

(Celina) d. Powers (BG) 6-3, 6-1; Elbin/Lentz (Fin) d.

Everman/Stetler (Celina) 6-2, 6-2; Stepleton/Cress (Lima Senior) d.

Moomaw/Runion (Columbian) 7-5, 6-1.

At Sandusky

(Top four finishers advance to districts)

Semifinals: McCann (Lex) d. Hyndman (Clay) 6-0, 6-0; Miranda

(Mansfield Senior) d. Parker (Fremont Ross) 6-0, 6-0; Collins/White

d. Will/Laurer (Fremont Ross) 6-0, 6-0; Kerbs/Ellsworth (Lexington)

d. Long/Irwin (Ashland) 7-5, 6-4.

Finals: Miranda (Mansfield Senior) d. McCann (Lex) 6-4, 6-4; Parker

(Fremont Ross) d. Hyndman (Clay) 7-6, 6-3; Collins/White (Lex) d.

Kerbs/Ellsworth (Lex) 7-6, 6-1; Will/Laurer (Fremont Ross) d.

Long/Irwin (Ashland) 6-3, 6-4.

At Jermain

(Top four finishers advance to districts)

Semifinals: Cabanski (SF) d. Dever (CC) 6-0, 6-0; Lindsley (SF) d.

James (Mau) 6-0, 6-3; Doyle/Sanford (AW) d. Converse/Chan (Pburg)

6-2, 6-4; Kenney/O Connell (SF) d. Strickland/Adamiak (Pburg) 6-3,


Finals: Lindsley (SF) d. Cabanski (SF) 6-4, 2-6, 6-4; James (SF) d.

Dever (CC) 6-0, 6-0; Doyle/Sanford (AW) d. Kenney/O Connell (SF) 6-4,

6-2; Converse/Chan (Pburg) d. Adamiak/Strickland (Pburg) 7-6, 2-6,


Division II Sectional

At Archbold

(Top four finishers advance to districts)

Semifinals: Pai (MV) d. Stechschulte (Wau) 6-0, 6-0; Bischoff (Nap)

d. A. Redd (Arch) 6-3, 6-4; Sanford/Wyse (Arch) d. Delman/Rorick (MV)

6-3, 7-5; Dewan/Rubin (MV) d. Olmstead/Forshey (Wau) 6-1, 6-2.

Finals: Bischoff (Nap) d. Pai (MV) 6-3, 4-6, 7-6; A. Redd (Arch) d.

Stechschulte (Wau) 6-3, 6-4; Dewan/Rubin (MV) d. Sanford/Wyse (Arch)

7-6, 6-1; Delman/Rorick (MV) d. Olmstead/Forshey (Wau) 6-3, 6-0.

At Jermain

Semifinals: Than (SJ) d. Kallik (Nview) 6-0, 7-5; North (Sview) d.

Smith (SJ) 6-3, 6-1; DeLelles/Sbrocchi (SJ) d. Mason/Veltschy (Spr);

Urrutia/Meyer (SJ) d. Gaynor/Butcher (Nview) 6-2, 6-7, 7-5.

Finals: Than (SJ) d. North (SJ) 6-1, 6-0; Smith (SJ) d. Kallile

(Nview) 6-0, Default; DeLelles/Sbrocchi (SJ) d. Urrutia/Meyer (SJ)

7-5, 6-2; Gaynor/Butcher (Nview) d. Mason/Veltschy (Spr) 6-0, 6-0.

At Port Clinton (Baywinds Athletic Club)

Semifinals: Drusbacky (PC) d. McLean (PC) 6-4, 6-2; Phillips (Nor) d.

Cook (Hur) 6-2, 3-6, 6-1; Cellier/Shirkey (PC) d. Stewart/Schmidt

(Edis) 6-0,6-1; Clum/Miller (PC) d. Felter/Miller (SMCC) 6-4,7-5.

Finals: Drusbacky (PC) d. Phillips (Nor) 6-0,6-0; Cook (Hur) d.

McLean (PC) 6-2,7-5. Cellier/Shirkey (PC) d. Clum/Miller (PC)

6-2,6-1; Stewart/Schmidt (Edis) d. Felter/Miller (SMCC) 6-4,6-4.


Major League Soccer

Eastern Conference


D.C. United 4 1 2 14 14 7

Kansas City 4 2 1 13 10 7

New England 3 2 1 10 9 4

Columbus 3 3 1 10 6 8

Chicago 1 1 4 7 8 8

New York 0 1 5 5 5 8

Western Conference


FC Dallas 4 1 3 15 15 12

Houston 4 2 1 13 14 11

Colorado 2 3 1 7 9 11

Los Angeles 2 5 1 7 6 14

CD Chivas USA 1 3 1 4 5 7

Real Salt Lake 1 5 1 4 8 12

Note: Three points for victory, one point for tie.


Houston 1, FC Dallas 1, tie

New England 3, CD Chivas USA 1

Chicago 1, New York 1, tie

Columbus 1, Colorado 0

D.C. United 2, Kansas City 1

Real Salt Lake 3, Los Angeles 0


FC Dallas 1, Los Angeles 0


Chicago at Houston, 4

D.C. United at Columbus, 7:30

CD Chivas USA at New York, 7:30

New England at FC Dallas, 8:30

Kansas City at Real Salt Lake, 9

Colorado at Los Angeles, 10:30

sports notes

The Toledo Parks and Recreation Office is now registering adult men s

and co-ed SOFTBALL TEAMS for summer leagues. More info: Call


North American Youth Sports still has several openings in their

annual summer regional YOUTH BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT at Springfield

H.S., June 23-25. The brackets include 5th-6th grade boys/girls, 7th

grade boys/girls, 8th grade boys/girls, 9th-10th grade boys/girls and

11th-12th grade boys/girls. Entry fee is $250 and guarantees each

team at least five games, with awards presented in each bracket.

Entry deadline is June 2. More info: Call the NAYS hotline at

1-800-787-3265 or tournament director Mark Malinowski at 419-874-4214.

The Contos King of the Mat WRESTLING CAMPS will be held at Start

High School for wrestlers ages 6-11. The first camp (for technique)

be June 12-16 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The second camp (intensive training

and technique) will be July 10-14 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Information:

Mark Contos, 419-691-8201 or 419-344-0891; Kevin Contos, 419-690-0263.

Rossford H.S. is accepting applications for a HEAD GIRLS BASKETBALL

COACH and an ASSISTANT GIRLS SOCCER COACH for thte 2006-07 school

year. Send a cover letter, resume and references to George Cox,

Athletic Director, 701 Superior Street, Rossford, OH 43640. More

information: Call 419-661-2830.


Qatar German Open

WTA Tour


Singles, Quarterfinals

Amelie Mauresmo (1) d. Martina Hingis 4-6, 6-4, 6-4.


Justine Henin-Hardenne (3) d. Amelie Mauresmo (1) 6-1, 6-2; Nadia

Petrova (2) d. Li Na 6-1, 6-0

Doubles, Semifinals

Yan Zi and Zheng Jie (3) d. Dinara Safina and Roberta Vinci 6-2, 6-0;

Elena Dementieva and Flavia Pennetta (5) d. Anna-Lena Groenefeld and

Nadia Petrova (4) 6-3, 6-3.

Campionati d Italia

ATP Tour


Singles, Semifinals

Roger Federer (1) d. David Nalbandian (4) 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (5); Rafael

Nadal (2) d. Gael Monfils 6-2, 6-2.

Doubles, Semifinals

Jonathan Erlich and Andy Ram (6) d. Fernando Gonzalez and Nicolas

Massu 6-3, 5-7, 10-5 tiebreak; Mark Knowles and Daniel Nestor (3) d.

Jonas Bjorkman and Max Mirnyi (2) 6-3, 7-6 (5).

prep baseball


Division I

At Lucas County Rec Center

Tomorrow: St. Francis vs. Northview, 5 p.m.; Clay vs. St. John s,

7:30 p.m.

At Mansfield Madison

Tomorrow: Ashland vs. Mansfield Madison/Sandusky winner, 5 p.m.

At Bowling Green Carter Park

Tomorrow: Bowling Green vs. Anthony Wayne, 5 p.m.

Division II

At Defiance High School

Tomorrow: Rossford vs. Central Catholic/Eastwood winner, 5 p.m.

At Perkins

Tomorrow: Fostoria vs. Perkins, 5 p.m.

Division III

At Elmwood

Tomorrow: Genoa vs. Lake, 5 p.m.

At Patrick Henry

Tomorrow: Patrick Henry vs. Wayne Trace, 5 p.m.

At Archbold

Tomorrow: Evergreen vs. Fairview, 5 p.m.;

At Bellevue

Tomorrow: Woodmore vs. Edison, 5 p.m.

Division IV

At Ottawa Hills

Tomorrow: Toledo Christian vs. Ottawa Hills, 5 p.m.

At Edon

Tomorrow: Montpelier vs. Edon, 5 p.m.

At New Riegel

Tomorrow: Hopewell-Loudon vs. Van Buren, 5 p.m.

At Old Fort

Tomorrow: Fremont St. Joe vs. Tiffin Calvert, 5 p.m.

At Ayersville

Tomorrow: Stryker vs. Hicksville, 5 p.m.

Regular Season

Rogers 010 002 0 3 5 0

Delta 001 102 x 4 6 3

WP Vaughan. LP Cooper. Torres (D) 2-2, 2 RBI.

latest line

NBA Playoffs

NEW JERSEY 4 (189) Miami

LA CLIPPERS 41/2 (211) Phoenix

NHL Playoffs

CAROLINA 1/2 -1 New Jersey

SAN JOSE 1/2 -1 Edmonton


National League

ATLANTA 71/2 -81/2 Washington

Philadelphia 6-7 CINCINNATI

PITTSBURGH 7-8 Florida

NY Mets 71/2 -81/2 MILWAUKEE

HOUSTON 6-7 Colorado

ST. LOUIS 11-13 Arizona

San Diego 51/2 -61/2 CHICAGO CUBS

SAN FRANCISCO 71/2 -81/2 LA Dodgers

American League

Detroit Even-6 CLEVELAND

NY YANKEES 81/2 -91/2 Oakland

Toronto Even-6 TAMPA BAY

BALTIMORE 8-9 Kansas City

BOSTON 81/2 -91/2 Texas

LA ANGELS 61/2 -71/2 Seattle

Chi White Sox 71/2 -81/2 MINNESOTA

Home Team in CAPS



Division I

At Rolf Park, Maumee

District semifinal

Tuesday, May 16: St. Ursula vs. Whitmer, 5 p.m.; Notre Dame vs.

Southview, 5 p.m.

At Bowling Green

Tuesday, May 16: Findlay vs. Anthony Wayne, 5 p.m.

Division II

At Rolf Park, Maumee

Tomorrow: Eastwood vs. Maumee, 5 p.m.

At Fostoria

Tuesday, May 16: Bucyrus vs Bellevue, 5 p.m.

District semifinal

At Defiance

Tuesday, May 16: Defiance vs. Napoleon, 5 p.m.

At Clyde

Wednesday, May 17: Willard vs. Perkins

Division III

At Archbold

Thursday: Evergreen 7, Swanton 1; Delta vs. Archbold, suspended

At Elmwood

Tuesday, May 16: Elmwood vs. Gibsonburg, 5 p.m.

At Genoa

Tuesday, May 16: Genoa vs. Rossford, 5 p.m.

At Colonel Crawford

Tuesday, May 16: Colonel Crawford vs. Riverdale/Carey winner, 5 p.m.

Division IV

At Patrick Henry

Tuesday, May 16: Miller City vs. Leipsic, 6 p.m.

At Gibsonburg

Tuesday, May 16: N. Baltimore vs. Ottawa Hills, 5 p.m.

At Liberty Center

Tuesday, May 16: Hilltop vs. Ayersville, 5 p.m.

At New Riegel

Tuesday, May 16: St. Wendelin vs. Mohawk, 5 p.m.

At Old Fort

Tuesday, May 16: Fremont St. Joe vs. Tiffin Calvert, 5 p.m.

Regular Season

Delta 021 000 0 3 6 1

Archbold 002 120 x 5 11 1

WP Kern. LP McColloch. Lange (A) 2-4, HR, RBI.



American League

BALTIMORE ORIOLES Activated C-DH Javy Lopez from the 15-day DL.

Designated OF Luis Terrero for assignment.

NEW YORK YANKEES Placed RHP Tanyon Sturtze on the 15-day DL.

Purchased the contract of RHP Scott Erickson from Columbus of the IL.

OAKLAND ATHLETICS Placed RHP Justin Duchscherer on the 15-day DL,

retroactive to May 7. Recalled RHP Chad Gaudin from Sacramento of the


National League

CHICAGO CUBS Recalled RHP Jae Kuk Ryu from Iowa of the PCL. Optioned

RHP Angel Guzman to Iowa.

FLORIDA MARLINS Placed RHP Sergio Mitre on the 15-day DL. Recalled

RHP Yusmeiro Petit from Albuquerque of the PCL.

MILWAUKEE BREWERS Acquired LHP Brian Shouse from the Texas Rangers

for INF Enrique Cruz and a player to be named.

NEW YORK METS Purchased the contract of RHP Jeremi Gonzalez from

Norfolk of the IL. Optioned RHP Heath Bell to Norfolk. Transferred

RHP Bartolome Fortunato from the 15-to the 60-day DL.

PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Placed RHP Julio Santana on the 15-day DL.

Recalled RHP Geoff Geary from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre of the IL.

SAN DIEGO PADRES Placed RHP Woody Williams on the 15-day DL.

Purchased the contract of RHP Jim Brower from Portland of the PCL.


National Football League

CINCINNATI BENGALS Waived TE Bristol Olomua.

PHILADELPHIA EAGLES Re-signed RB Reno Mahe and S Quintin Mikell to

one-year contracts.

raceway park

Last night s results

FIRST-Pace, 3000CLCD, $1,500, 2:00.0

Red Star Buck(N Fox) 7.40 5.80 5.40

Atm Tang(D Lake) 5.00 3.40

Samthestockbroker(T Buter) 3.40

Also Coon Dog Bob, Falcon Appeal, Amber Gold,

Exacta 5-4 Paid $46.00

Trifecta 5-4-2 Paid $95.40

Superfecta 5-4-2-1 Paid $382.40

SECOND-Trot, NW1000L5CD, $1,500, 2:05.3

Star s First Sun(M Wolfe) 5.40 3.20 2.40

Zip N Zoe(G Bateson) 3.20 2.20

Doc Magic(A Lake) 2.80

Also Yankee Summit, Hj Scarlett Image, Bs Super Goal,

Exacta 5-3 Paid $18.20

Trifecta 5-3-4 Paid $52.40

Superfecta 5-3-4-1 Paid $87.20

Daily Double 5-5 Paid $24.60

THIRD-Pace, 2000CL, $1,000, 2:01.2

Smoke Dancer(M Wolfe) 7.20 2.80 2.40

Hightail A(A Succarotte) 3.20 2.20

Corporal Tony(D Cincebox) 2.60

Also Kaa Dee Arnold, Strathyre N, Kash Funz,

Exacta 4-3 Paid $20.20

Trifecta 4-3-5 Paid $87.80

Superfecta 4-3-5-6 Paid $372.20

FOURTH-Pace, 4000CL NW1, $1,200, 2:02.4

Ragout De La Pan(M Wolfe) 6.00 4.40 2.20

V P Britt(J Wengerd) 12.80 2.80

Fore Bid(D Lake) 2.20

Also Lucky Vegas, R Fancy One, Sign It Kevin,

Exacta 1-4 Paid $34.40

Trifecta 1-4-3 Paid $70.60

Superfecta 1-4-3-2 Paid $143.80

FIFTH-Pace, NW750L5CD, $1,200, 2:01.3

Magic Again N(C Wolfe) 15.80 5.60 2.80

Speedy Dart(M Kendall) 5.00 3.80

Cl Jack(D Lake) 2.20

Also Peter C Zombro, Fox Valley Vertigo, Major Distraction, King


Exacta 3-7 Paid $104.40

Trifecta 3-7-5 Paid $241.20

Superfecta 3-7-5-A Paid $1,021.40

SIXTH-Trot, NW1375L5CD, $2,400, 2:05.0

Cubist(S Gilbert) 5.00 2.40 2.40

Birdsall Leo(A Succarotte) 2.80 2.80

Xciting Sam(G Bateson) 4.40

Also Hollywood Howard, Dont Ask Dont Tell, Whitesville Blaze,

Exacta 3-1 Paid $15.60

Trifecta 3-1-2 Paid $41.80

Superfecta 3-1-2 Paid $97.20

SEVENTH-Pace, NW750L5CD, $1,200, 2:00.2

Sudden Cam N(D Cincebox) 2.80 2.80 3.20

Fire One and Two(D Lake) 10.00 8.80

Whisperin Bill(C Wolfe) 4.00

Also Dead Man s Hand, Large Livin Louie, J T Express, The Lead N,

Stretch Ruler,

Exacta 4-5 Paid $37.20

Trifecta 4-5-1 Paid $122.20

Superfecta 4-5-1-7 Paid $475.80

EIGHTH-Pace, 6000CL NW3, $1,500, 2:02.1

Perrito(J Wengerd) 9.60 4.20 3.20

Hurricane Jenna(D Cincebox) 18.60 8.60

Keep Raider(G Bateson) 6.00

Also Prettylittleangel, Western Jimmy, Quartz, No It Not, Cams


Exacta 6-8 Paid $89.40

Trifecta 6-8-5 Paid $786.20

Superfecta 6-8-A-A Paid $153.00

NINTH-Pace, NW1375L5CD, $2,400, 1:59.3

Urban Good Homelife(J Wengerd) 4.60 4.20

Beach Gambler(N Fox) 3.40

Also Deb s Familycircle, Blueridge Raider, Kissino, Master Sweet, Ama

Classy Lass, Two Minute Warning,

Exacta 6-3 Paid $22.00

Trifecta 6-3-2 Paid $88.40

Superfecta 6-3-2-9 Paid $392.60

PICK 6 PD 4 OF 6 Paid $11.60

TENTH-Pace, NW750L5CD, $1,200, 2:02.2

Magic Jubilee(D Lake) 2.20 2.20 2.20

Bobby Booshay(A Lake) 2.60 2.40

Fractious Speed(G Bateson) 3.00

Also Water Pistol Pete, Armbro Allstate, Taintedbrewhotspur,

Exacta 2-5 Paid $7.00

Trifecta 2-5-7 Paid $26.00

Superfecta 2-5-7-3 Paid $61.00

Pick3 6-6-2 Paid $57.00

Attendance-653, Handle-$40,976


Bowling Green 021 101 001 6 9 1

Buffalo 010 300 000 4 7 2

WP Hangbers. LP Ruszkowski. Stewart (BG) 3-5, 2 2B, RBI.

college softball

Owens 010 000 0 1 3 1

Lansing CC 021 022 x 7 9 0

WP Buche. LP Short. Zweifel (O) 2-3.

Owens 103 010 4 9 17 1

Muskegon 011 000 0 2 5 5

WP Short. LP Delora. Short (O) 3-4, 2B.

Grand Rapids 040 00 4 5 2

Owens 120 45 12 9 1

WP Short. LP Albert. Kingsborough (O) 2-2, 2 RBI.

Owens 100 032 0 6 5 2

Lansing CC 100 304 x 8 13 1

WP Buche. LP Short. Bockbrader (O) 2-4, RBI.


May 14

1913 Washington s Walter Johnson gives up a run in the fourth inning

against the St. Louis Browns to end his streak of 56 scoreless

innings. The Senators win 10-5.

1919 Just four days after his Kentucky Derby victory, Sir Barton,

ridden by Johnny Loftus, wins the Preakness Stakes by four lengths

over Eternal.

1920 Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators records his 300th

victory with a 9-8 win over the Detroit Tigers.

1967 Mickey Mantle s 500th home run, off Stu Miller, lifts the New

York Yankees to a 6-5 victory over the Baltimore Orioles.

1977 The Montreal Canadiens edge the Boston Bruins 2-1 to win the

Stanley Cup in four games.

1981 The Boston Celtics win the NBA championship with a 102-91

victory over the Houston Rockets in Game 6.

1993 Billy Mayfair shoots a 61, the 11th-best score in PGA Tour

history, in the Byron Nelson Classic.

1995 Kelly Robbins overcomes a three-shot deficit in the final seven

holes to win the LPGA Championship by a stroke over defending

champion Laura Davies.

1999 Annika Sorenstam shoots an 11-under 61, the best score in LPGA

history on a par-72 course, to take a two-shot lead over Michelle

McGann after the opening round of the Sara Lee Classic.

2003 Jean-Sebastien Giguere stops 35 shots for his third straight

shutout as Anaheim beats Minnesota 4-0 and takes a 3-0 lead in the

Western Conference finals. He s the first goalie in modern NHL

history to record three consecutive shutouts in the next-to-last

round of the playoffs.

2004 Richard Jefferson scores 18 of his 31 points after regulation to

lead New Jersey to a 127-120 triple-overtime victory over Detroit and

a 3-2 lead in the Eastern Conference semifinals. The last playoff

game to be decided in three overtimes was Phoenix s 129-121 victory

over Chicago in Game 3 of the 1993 NBA Finals.