Maumee council endorses wellness program


Maumee City Council has endorsed a wellness program offered by a major health insurer - and it won't cost taxpayers a dime.

Medical Mutual of Ohio has pledged to spend up to $100,000 per year on a wellness initiative called "Healthy Maumee."

The three-year pilot program will offer health screenings for anybody who lives or works in Maumee, said Richard Wallack, vice president of marketing services for the health insurer.

Council approved the city's participation in the program at its meeting last week, after receiving assurances that it would cost the city nothing. The other participants are St. Luke's Hospital, the Maumee City Schools, Maumee Chamber of Commerce, and Maumee Senior Center.

Maumee is the second city chosen for the program, Mr. Wallack said in a telephone interview from his Cleveland office. The other is Solon, Ohio, east of Cleveland, which has had the program for more than a year, he said.

The program in Solon has been a great success, Mr. Wallack said. Two health fairs in the city have attracted thousands of people and included doctors and health-care professionals talking about wellness.

In one case, a person getting a checkup was found to have a serious heart problem and was transported immediately to the hospital.

Mr. Wallack said Maumee was selected because Medical Mutual has about 9,500 customers who work in the city.

"We wanted an opportunity to go to the Toledo area with this program. We have some Medical Mutual cardholders in Maumee and a good relationship with St. Luke's Hospital," he explained.

Mr. Wallack said the program would get under way later in the year.

In other business, council:

• Appointed Scott M. Libbe to a three-year term as the city's representative on the St. Luke's Hospital board.

• Approved a request to rezone a small parcel at Parkway Plaza to general commercial from neighborhood commercial so a drive-through coffee kiosk can be located there.

• Extended the contract with James Zupka CPA for audit services.

• Approved a $1,250 contract with Technicore for maintenance of certain fire equipment.

• Approved spending $11,072.21 for the city's share of five new 800-megahertz portable radios for the police division.

• Authorized advertising for bids for underground storage tank remediation at 214 Illinois Ave.

• Approved a $2,092 contract with Cross Heating and Cooling for air conditioning at the Wolcott House Museum Complex.

• Authorized spending $1,075 to connect a new fire alarm panel at the Maumee Senior Center.

• Authorized the director of public service to submit an application to TMACOG for beautification funds for the Anthony Wayne Trail.

• Approved a request from Maumee SAIL to waive the noise ordinance from 8 to 11 p.m. on the lawn of the Maumee Branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library for family movie night.

• Approved a $1,097.46 contract with Pneu-Matic Engineering Inc. for compressor maintenance for the fire division.

• Authorized an agreement for legal services for workers compensation cases with Reminger Co. LPA for the use of Assistant Law Director Suzanne Norton.

• Approved a $38,182 contract with Geddis Paving and Excavating for the Rolf Park Walking Path.