Boston violist, a Maumee Valley alumnus, to aid students, perform


A Maumee Valley Country Day School alumnus will appear in concert at the school on Saturday, playing the viola in a Boston-based trio that he co-founded.

Daniel Dona, from Maumee Valley's Class of 1993, is co-founder of the Arneis Ensemble, formed in 2007 at Boston University.

He is assistant principal viola of the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra and

plays with the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra.

He is on the faculty of the Dana Hall School of Music and Wellesley Public School Extension program.

Performing with Mr. Dona will be clarinetist Will Cicola and pianist Kristin Elgersma.

On Friday, Maumee Valley students will attend concerts, and there will be master classes for students.

Saturday's public events are a 7 p.m. lecture and a 7:30 p.m. concert, followed by a reception at the school's Millennium Theatre, 1715 South Reynolds Rd.