Perrysburg sculpture set to be illuminated


Two youngsters who stand as still as statues in Perrysburg won't be in the dark at night much longer.

Plans call for lighting work to be done soon for a sculpture, featuring a young boy and girl at a town pump, on the grounds of the Commodore Building. The sculpture was made possible through a donation by a local resident, and it was dedicated in the fall to the children of Perrysburg - past, present, and future.

At the time of the dedication, the lighting had not been completed, but it will be finished after frost leaves the ground this spring, according to officials.

Donations are being accepted to pay for benches, a trash container, and some landscaping to complete the project.

The statue was donated by self-taught artist Ralph Kleeberger, a lifelong resident of Perrysburg. The bronze statute sits on a 9,000-pound granite base atop a concrete pad.

Mr. Kleeberger has been sculpting since his retirement in 1986 from Northwood schools where he was a business teacher and guidance counselor for more than 30 years.

For about six years he worked on and off on the Commodore Building sculpture, using two local children as models.

It was the first life-sized sculpture done by Mr. Kleeberger.

The Perrysburg Area Arts Council helped arrange for the casting of the sculpture by Flatlanders Sculpture Supply & Gallery in Blissfield, Mich., and monitored the project.