Perrysburg Twp. Hall falls to wrecking crews

Dilapidated structure is leveled

To save money, the demolition of the nearly century-old structure was done by Perrysburg Township employees rather than by an outside company.
To save money, the demolition of the nearly century-old structure was done by Perrysburg Township employees rather than by an outside company.

The nearly century-old Perrysburg Township Hall was dilapidated.

The white paint had flaked off and the building fell into disrepair after the township stopped spending money on routine maintenance.

Last week, the township razed the building at 26598 Lime City Rd. as part of an effort to fight blight.

"It needed to go," said township Administrator John Hrosko. "It was at a point of almost collapsing."

Mr. Hrosko said the cost to rehabilitate the building, built in 1917, would be "astronomical."

The administrator did not know the final cost of razing the building, but said that to save money, township workers did the demolition instead of hiring an outside company.

The old township hall in Lime City was the site for government meetings before the current government offices were built in 1962.

At one point, it was used as a dance hall.

But in recent years, the building stood empty.

The Perrysburg Township Police Department and the maintenance crew used the building to store tools and confiscated items.

To document the building's history for the township, administrative assistant Rosanna Violi plans to interview longtime residents to hear their memories and collect old pictures.

Anyone with information about the building can contact her at 419-872-3956 or at