Ourtowns calendars 2/5


What's On


● Cheer For A Cure Cham­pi­on­ship at Genoa High School, 2980 N. Genoa-Clay Center Rd., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Feb. 16. Ad­mis­sion: $5 and can be pur­chased at the door. Ben­e­fits the Stella Bertz Cheer For A Cure Re­search Fund at Ohio State’s James Cancer Hos­pi­tal and Solove Re­search In­sti­tute. CheerForACure.org.


● Euchre tour­na­ment at Prov­i­dence Lu­theran Church, 8131 Air­port Hwy., 6:30 p.m.-9:45 p.m. Satur­day. Play starts promptly at 7 p.m. Bring an ap­pe­tizer or snack to share. Bever­ages pro­vided. Prizes awarded. Bring fam­ily, friends, and neigh­bors. Ques­tions: 419-865-4548.

● The Spring­field Band Boost­ers’ Even­ing in the Woods si­lent Auc­tion at Straw­berry Acres Lodge, 950 S. McCord Rd., 7-11 p.m. Feb. 23. Finger food, des­sert, soft drinks, cof­fee, wa­ter, and mix­ers pro­vided. Din­ner and danc­ing mu­sic pro­vided. 50/50 raf­fle. Tick­ets: $15; $150/ta­ble of 10. Checks made out to Spring­field Band Boost­ers and mail to: Spring­field Bands, 1470 S. McCord Rd., Hol­land, Ohio 43528. In­for­ma­tion: Claren Boehler, 419-866-2080 or band of­fice 419-867-5689.

Lake Twp.

● Age­less Wonders of Lake Town­ship meet­ing for lunch at Wood­ville diner, 1949 Wood­ville Rd. (across from Kroger), Ore­gon, 12:30 p.m. Feb. 14. Ques­tions: 419-836-3811.


● Maumee Se­nior Center's souper bowl of soup sup­pers, 2430 S. Detroit Ave., 5 p.m. Fri­day. Sam­ple a va­ri­ety of home­made soups plus salad, bread, and des­sert, cost $6.50 per per­son. Cast a bal­lot for your fa­vor­ite for 25 cents. Line danc­ing and bingo will fol­low. Pub­lic wel­come. Trans­por­ta­tion avail­able for those 60 years of age and older who may not wish to drive at night. Res­er­va­tions for din­ner or trans­por­ta­tion, call 419-893-1994.

● Mend­ing Hearts Val­en­tine’s Day din­ner party for peo­ple ex­pe­ri­enc­ing sep­a­ra­tion or di­vorce will be held at First Pres­by­te­rian Church of Maumee, 200 E. Broad­way St., 6:30-8 p.m. Feb. 14. Event of­fers en­cour­age­ment, friend­ship, din­ner, and tools to help deal with the pain from your breakup. Free. For de­tails or to reg­is­ter: 419-893-0223 or staff@fp­c­maumee.org. Leave your name and phone num­ber or ad­dress.

● Shots 4 Tots spon­sored by the Ohio Depart­ment of Health through a grant from Healthy Com­mu­ni­ties Foun­da­tion at ProMed­ica St. Luke’s Hos­pi­tal Class­room 2, 5901 Mon­clova Rd., 12 p.m.-2 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. Feb. 21. Pro­gram pro­vides im­mu­ni­za­tions for area chil­dren. The MMR booster shot for sev­enth grad­ers also avail­able. No ap­point­ment needed, but bring your child’s im­mu­ni­za­tions records. Cost: $10 per in­jec­tion, but no child will be turned away for in­abil­ity to pay. In­for­ma­tion: 419-213-4121.


● Ben­e­fit bas­ket­ball game at Lake High School, 28080 Lemoyne Rd., 7 p.m. Satur­day. Cheer the Lake Flyer fac­ulty and staff as they take on 13ABC All-Stars. Ad­mis­sion: $5 adults; $3 stu­dents. No passes ac­cepted. All pro­ceeds ben­e­fit Lake After Prom.


● Father-daugh­ter dance at Foun­da­tion Stone Chris­tian Church, 4532 Wood­ville Rd., 7-9 p.m. Fri­day. Details: 419-693-5102.


● Big Band at the Bay: Sen­ti­men­tal Jour­ney with Night Ses­sion Big Band Orches­tra at Maumee Bay Lodge and Con­fer­ence Center, 1750 State Park Rd. No. 2, din­ner 6-7:30 p.m., danc­ing 7:30-11:30 p.m. Feb. 16. Details: 419-836-1466 or maumee­bay­s­tate­park­lodge.com.

● Area Women are in­vited to “The Heart of Fash­ion” lun­cheon and pro­gram at Bay­side Board­walk, 2759 Sea­man Rd., doors open 11:30 a.m., lunch buf­fet 12 p.m. Feb. 14. Spe­cial fea­ture a style show by Change of Sea­sons of Per­rys­burg. Mu­sic: Tammy Strahl. Speaker: Pat Eller­holz, “Every Face Has a Story. What’s Yours?” Cost: $10.50. Spon­sored by the Toledo East Women’s Con­nec­tion, for­merly Chris­tian Women’s Club. Res­er­va­tions: Doro­thy, 419-691-9611 or Mari­lyn, 419-666-1633.

● Cel­e­brate Mardi Gras, the Ger­man Amer­i­can Fes­ti­val So­ci­ety and Cos­tume Hol­i­day House in­vite you to Oak Shade Grove, 3624 Sea­man Rd., 7 p.m.-mid­night Satur­day. Mu­sic by En­core and the Tru Brew. Cos­tumes en­cour­aged. Cos­tume con­test/prizes. Tick­ets: $10. Food and drink avail­able for pur­chase. Sue Big­e­low, 419-260-9628.


● Alz­hei­mer’s As­so­ci­a­tion hosts “Know the 10 Signs: Early De­tec­tion Mat­ters” free com­mu­nity work­shop at the King­ston Res­i­dence of Per­rys­burg, 333 E. Boundary St., 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tues­day. Help­ing in­di­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies rec­og­nize the signs of Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease and other de­men­tias. Tips for main­tain­ing brain health. Reg­is­ter­a­tion re­quested: 800-272-3900.

● Per­rys­burg High School French Club hosts Mardi Gras cel­e­bra­tion at the Per­rys­burg High School Com­mons, 13385 Roach­ton Rd., 2-5 p.m. Sun­day. Games, mu­sic, food, and win prizes. There will be a min­i­mal charge to play games and for food.

● Val­en­tine’s Day dance at the Per­rys­burg Heights Com­mu­nity Center, 12282 Jef­fer­son St., doors open at 7 p.m., dance 8 p.m.-mid­night Feb. 16. Per­form­ing are the Te­jano Sound Band and Grupo Il­lu­sion. Cash bar. Din­ner avail­able for pur­chase. Tick­ets: $15 per per­son or $25 per cou­ple and can be pur­chased by call­ing 419-283-1495 or at the door day of event.

Port Clin­ton

● Port Clin­ton Busi­ness and Pro­fes­sional Women’s Club host­ing a Coun­try and Western Roundup at the Port Clin­ton Moose Lodge, 1105 W. Lake­shore Dr., 6 p.m. Feb. 16. Si­lent and live auc­tions. Coun­try-Western at­tire en­cour­aged. Bar­be­cue chicken and ribs by Bar­beque Trav­eler. Ad­mis­sion and din­ner, $30 per per­son. Cash bar. Tick­ets avail­able at WPCR Stu­dios in the Bas­sett’s Mar­ket Plaza or de­tails: 419-345-5654.


● Square and con­tra danc­ing at Ross­ford United Meth­od­ist Church, 270 Dixie Hwy., be­gin­ner’s in­struc­tion 7-7:30 p.m., dance 7:30-10:30 p.m. Satur­day. Mu­sic by: Root Cel­lar String Band. Calling: Mar­lin Whi­taker. No part­ner is nec­es­sary. Ad­mis­sion: $7 adults; $5 stu­dents, not­mad.org.


● Mo­saic glass class of­fered by the Wa­ter­ville Area Arts Coun­cil and An­i­mal House Glass at the Wa­ter­ville Fire Sta­tion Com­mu­nity Room, 751 Wa­ter­ville-Mon­clova Rd., 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Feb. 23. Cost: $30. Class led by Gail Christ­of­fer­son. Details and to reg­is­ter by Feb. 18: 419-441-0025. Reg­is­tra­tions forms also avail­able at the Sil­ver Lin­ing Gallery, 122 Me­chanic St.


● The Wa­ter­ville and White­house Cham­bers of Com­merce ac­cept­ing reg­is­tra­tions for the An­thony Wayne Busi­ness Show­case for its mem­bers, non-mem­bers, groups, and or­ga­ni­za­tions in­ter­ested in pro­mot­ing their prod­ucts and or ser­vices. The show­case will be in the An­thony Wayne Aux­il­iary Gym, 5967 Finzel Rd., 5-7:30 p.m. Feb. 15. Reg­is­ter: 419-878-5188.

● Na­ture Shoot: Birds of Prey at Blue Creek Con­ser­va­tion Area, Na­ture’s Nurs­ery Blue Creek Con­ser­va­tion Area meet at Na­ture’s Nurs­ery, State Route 64 at Schadel Rd., 1-3 p.m. Feb. 16. Tips on tak­ing great wild­life pho­tos. Cost: $30. Res­er­va­tions: 419-407-9701.

Wood County

● The Wood County’s lo­cal Na­tional Al­liance on Men­tal Ill­ness host­ing three most pop­u­lar ed­u­ca­tion courses at the NAMI Wood County’s of­fices, 541 W. Wooster St., Bowl­ing Green: Fam­ily-to-fam­ily, a 12-week course for peo­ple car­ing for rel­a­tives with a men­tal ill­ness, 6:30 p.m. be­gins Feb. 25; NAMI Ba­sics de­signed for par­ents and other care­giv­ers of chil­dren and ad­o­les­cents with men­tal ill­ness at 6:15 p.m. be­gins Feb. 20; Peer-to-peer is a re­cov­ery course for adults liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness at 4 p.m. be­gins Feb. 25. In­for­ma­tion: 419-352-0626.


● Wood­ville 4th of July Com­mit­tee meet­ing at the Wood­ville Youth Center/Le­gion Hall, 200 S. Elm St., 7 p.m. Feb. 12. Com­mu­nity in­vited to at­tend. In­for­ma­tion: 419-307-0914, wood­ville4th@gmail.com, or wood­ville.net/fourth.

At the Library

Heat­h­er­downs Branch Li­brary

3265 Glanz­man Rd.; 419-259-5270.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 7 p.m. Mon­days and 10 a.m. Thurs­days. Call for reg­is­tra­tion.

● Tween and adult knit­ting group, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Mon­days.

Rey­nolds Corners Branch Li­brary

4833 Dorr St., Toledo; 419-259-5320.

● Frog­town low vi­sion sup­port group ses­sions, 10 a.m.-noon Wed­nes­day. Ses­sions of­ten in­clude guest speak­ers and spe­cial fea­tures on ed­u­ca­tion and sup­port, with prac­ti­cal help and ad­vice. Call for in­for­ma­tion.

● Home­work helper, 6 p.m. Mon­days and Tues­days.

Ross­ford Pub­lic Li­brary

720 Dixie Hwy.; 419-666-0924.

● Tues­days with Adam, be­tween 1-7 p.m. Tues­days. Free gen­eral com­puter and tech­nol­ogy help.

● Fam­ily game day, 1-4 p.m. Satur­days. All ages in­vited.

● Lath­rop House and the Un­der­ground Rail­road in North­west Ohio fo­rum, 6:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

Birming­ham Branch Li­brary

203 Paine Ave.; 419-259-5210.

● Teen­s­pace, 4 p.m. Thurs­days. Games, snacks, crafts, and more.

● ABLE mo­bile ben­e­fit bank, 6-8 p.m. on Tues­days. Bank staff can as­sist with ap­ply­ing for food stamps, home en­ergy, child care as­sis­tance, and other ser­vices. Free le­gal as­sis­tance is also avail­able. Free and avail­able to all. Call for in­for­ma­tion.

● Home­work helper, 3:30 p.m. Mon­days, Wed­nes­days, and Fri­days.

Genoa Branch Li­brary

602 West St.; 419-855-3380.

● Sto­ry­time, 11 a.m. Tues­days.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 11 a.m. Wed­nes­days.

Har­ris-El­more Pub­lic Li­brary

328 Toledo St., El­more; 419-862-2482.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 11 a.m., Wed­nes­days.

Locke Branch Li­brary

703 Miami St., Toledo; 419-259-5310.

● Retool­ing Your Life — Get­ting the Skills You Need. Set up an email ac­count, learn how to search or ap­ply for a job on­line, and up­date your re­sume. Call for a one-hour ap­point­ment. Free.

● Home­work helper, 3:30 p.m. Tues­days, Wed­nes­days, and Thurs­days.

Maumee Branch Li­brary

501 River Rd.; 419-259-5360.

● Book ex­plor­ers, 10-11 a.m. Wed­nes­days.

Ore­gon Branch Li­brary

3340 Dustin Rd.; 419-259-5250.

● Se­nior book dis­cus­sion, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Fri­day

● ABLE Mo­bile Ben­e­fit Bank Ad­vo­cates for Ba­sic Legal Equal­ity rep­re­sen­ta­tive, 2:30-5 p.m. ev­ery sec­ond Wed­nes­day of the month, avail­able to as­sist with ba­sic le­gal is­sues.

● Fam­ily sto­ry­time, 7-7:30 p.m. Mon­days. Ages 3-5. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 10:30-11 a.m. Wed­nes­days. Ages 3-5. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Baby­time, 10:30-10:50 a.m. Thurs­days. Ages 1-2. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

Wal­bridge Branch Li­brary

108 N. Main St.; 419-666-9900.

● Fam­ily sto­ry­time, 11 a.m. Tues­days and 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wed­nes­days.

Way Pub­lic Li­brary

101 E. In­di­ana Ave., Per­rys­burg; 419-874-3135.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Tues­days and Wed­nes­days.

● Mother Goose time, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Thurs­days.

● Home­school­ers’ af­ter­noon ad­ven­ture, 1:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

● Reel Talk film se­ries, 10 a.m. Thurs­day.

● Choc­o­late Fest, 3:30 p.m. Fri­day.

Wa­ter­ville Branch Li­brary

800 Mich­i­gan Ave., Wa­ter­ville; 419-878-3055.

● Tod­dler sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Wed­nes­days. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Thurs­days. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Baby­time, 10 a.m. Fri­days. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Home­school book club, 2-3 p.m. Feb. 20, and March 20. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

White­house Com­mu­nity Li­brary

10615 Wa­ter­ville St., White­house; 419-877-9088.

● Chil­dren’s party, 10 a.m.-noon Feb. 2.

● Book Nuts dis­cus­sions on Feb. 13, March 13, and April 10. Call for times.

Wood­ville Pub­lic Li­brary

101 East Main St., Wood­ville; 419-849-2744.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 7 p.m. ev­ery Mon­day and 10 a.m. ev­ery Thurs­day that school is in ses­sion.

● LEGO club, 10-11 a.m. the first Satur­day of ev­ery month. For grades K-6.

● Cou­pon swap meet, 4 p.m. Feb. 12.

Let's Eat


● North­wood VFW Post 2984, 102 W. An­drus Rd., North­wood, 9 a.m.-noon ev­ery Sun­day. Menu: eggs, sau­sage, ba­con, bis­cuit/gravy, hash­browns, toast, cof­fee or or­ange juice. Cost: $5. Chil­dren’s menu avail­able. 419-666-7762.


● Soup-n-salad lun­cheon, Cass Road Bap­tist Church, 1400 Cass Rd., Maumee, 12 p.m., Sun­day. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $7 adults; $4 chil­dren 6-10; and free to chil­dren 5 and un­der. Tick­ets at the door. Details: 419-893-2008.

● Eagle Cafe of­fers lunch and din­ner, Maumee Eagles, 2301 Detroit Ave., Maumee, lunch 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon­day-Fri­day, $4.95; din­ner 5-8 p.m., Mon­day-Thurs­day, $4.95. Carry-out avail­able. For menu: 419-893-3952 or maumeeea­gles.com.

Fish fries

● New Hope Chris­tian Church Len­ten fish fry, 2457 Hol­lo­way Rd., Hol­land, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 15. Cost: $9 adults; $4 chil­dren un­der 10. 419-867-1535.

● Hol­land Amer­i­can Le­gion fish fry, 1074 Clar­ion Ave., 4:30-7:30 p.m. Fri­days. Lake Perch or Pol­lock. Shrimp, steaks, chicken strips, and burg­ers also avail­able. Take-out 419-865-8511.

● North­wood VFW Post 2984, 102 W. An­drus Rd., North­wood, 5-7:45 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat Alas­kan wall­eye with cole­slaw and baked po­tato or french fries, $8. Steaks, shrimp, chicken also avail­able for pur­chase. Chil­dren’s menu. 419-666-7762.

● Maumee Eagles 2562, 2301 Detroit Ave., Maumee, 5-8 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat pol­lock for $7.95 (dine-in only). 419-893-3821.


● Clay High School’s spa­ghetti din­ner in school’s caf­e­te­ria, 5665 Sea­man Rd., Ore­gon, 4:30-7 p.m. Feb. 14. Cost: $10 adults; $8 se­niors/chil­dren 12 and un­der. 50/50 raf­fles and gift raf­fles.

● Spa­ghetti din­ner hosted by the Maumee St. Joseph’s Rosary Al­tar So­ci­ety at the St. Joseph’s Com­mu­nity Center, 104 W. Broad­way St. at Al­len St., Maumee 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 17. All-you-can-eat home­made spa­ghetti and meat­balls. In­cludes: salad, gar­lic bread, bev­er­age, and des­sert. Cost: $7 adults; $4 chil­dren 4-11; and free for chil­dren 3 and un­der.

Senior Citizens' Activities

East Toledo Senior Activities Center

1001 White St.; 419-691-2254.

Volunteer painting instructor needed; if interested, call listed number at extension 202.

Offering daily lunches, occasional day trips, and athletic programs.

Free painting classes, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. every Thursday at Navarre Park Shelter House, 1001 White St., using acrylics, watercolors, and oils.

Housekeeping services for seniors 60 or older in East Toledo or Oregon. Cost is $10 per hour for members and $16 per hour for nonmembers. 419-691-2254.

Genoa Senior Center

514 Main St.; 419-855-4491.

Open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Lunch at 11:30 a.m.; $3.

JWH Oregon Senior Center

5760 Bayshore Rd.; 419-698-7078.

Open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m. daily. Suggested donation is $2.50 for seniors 60 and older, $5.32 for others; reservations due 24 hours in advance.

Activities: bingo, fitness, line dancing, bunco, euchre, health screenings.

Pemberville Area Senior Center

220 Cedar St., 419-287-4109.

Trivia, 11:45 a.m. Fridays.

Current events discussions, 12:45 p.m. every Wednesday.

Computer help desk, 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. Registration required.

Holland Community Senior Center

330 Oak Terrace Blvd.; 419-868-1340.

Weekdays: Hot lunches for seniors 60 and older. Reservations due by day before. Cost: $2.

Northeast Area Senior Center

705 N. Main St. Walbridge; 419-260-3228

Yoga for Arthritis by video, 10:15 a.m. every Monday and Thursday. Designed for beginners and the physically fit.

Maumee Senior Center

2430 S. Detroit Ave.; 419-893-1994.

Open weekdays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Daily noon lunch; reservations due by noon the day before.

Computer lab is available 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Classes on computer use are offered. Call for details.

Watercolor, drawing, and oil/acrylics classes offered in six-week sessions. Call for times and fees.

Monclova Community Center

8115 Monclova Rd.; 419-861-1336.

Weekly lunch at 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays, $2 donation. Reservations due the Monday before.

Body Recall exercise at 9:15 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Free 60-plus health screenings, 1:30-3:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Perrysburg Area Senior Center

140 W. Indiana Ave.; 419-874-0847.

Gadget Club, 10-11 a.m. Call for dates.

Grocery shopping, by appointment. Reservations required.

Bible study, 10 a.m. Tuesdays. Open to all denominations.

Jam session, 1-4 p.m. every Wednesday.

Bridge, 1 p.m. every Tuesday.

Zumba Gold course, 9 a.m. every Thursday. $2 per class. Information call, Cheryl Fix, 419-874-0847.

Wood County Senior Center

305 N. Main St. Bowling Green; 419-353-5661

Class: Club F.I.T. (Fitness Interactive Teaching), program will provide you with information on strengthening and stretching, taught by a local physical therapist, 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays.

Wii bowling, 1 p.m. Mondays and 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays.

Writer’s group, 10 a.m. every Thursday.

Watercolor art courses, 10 a.m. every Friday. Bring your own supplies.

Movie day, 1 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Call for information.