3 approved labor union pacts await signatures


Signatures are the only thing needed after a collective bargaining deal between the three Waterville city labor unions was ratified and approved.

Two of the contracts were negotiated through the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which represents the city’s sergeant and patrol units.

The Teamsters Local 20 was the third union to reach an agreement.

The pact is retroactive from Jan. 1 and is to end Dec. 31, 2014. In each of the two years the employees are to receive a 3 percent raise.

“The Teamster contract will provide for insurance coverage for their union members, the four public works technicians,” said Dale Knepper, the city’s chief of finance and administration. “There is a possibility that all city full-time employees, including the unionized police employees, may be allowed coverage under the Teamsters plan.”

The sergeants’ unit has three employees and patrol has six.