Appeals court keeps Ohio voter ID law


CINCINNATI (AP) A federal appeals court ruled today that Ohio s new identification requirements for absentee ballots should stand.

The ruling means early voters must provide proof of their ID.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a lower court s decision to suspend Ohio s new voter ID law, which requires voters to show proof of identification when casting a ballot.

The appeals court on Sunday granted a request by state Attorney General Jim Petro to stay the lower court order.

U.S. District Court Judge Algenon Marbley last week granted a temporary restraining order on behalf of labor and poverty groups who filed a lawsuit earlier in the week.

Under the new law, an absentee voter must submit a written application that includes a driver s license number, the last four digits of the voter s Social Security number or a copy of a current photo ID, military identification, utility bill or bank statement.

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