Lawyer says Ohio workers who allege harassment have evidence


COLUMBUS, Ohio An attorney representing two women whose sexual harassment allegations have triggered a widening scandal at Attorney General Marc Dann s office says his clients have abundant evidence of their claims.

These girls are telling the truth, attorney Rex Elliott told the Dayton Daily News for a Tuesday story. There is so much consistency between their stories.

Elliott said Cindy Stankoski and Vanessa Stout, both 26, have text messages, e-mails and the whole nine yards to prove exactly what they re saying. The two have alleged that Anthony Gutierrez, the office s general services supervisor, engaged in inappropriate comments and touching at the office and at a Dublin apartment then shared by him, Dann and communications director Leo Jennings III.

Dann has placed both Gutierrez and Jennings on paid leave as the allegations are investigated. Jennings was not accused of harassment in the women s complaints. Dann placed him on leave Monday based on undisclosed new information he says came out in the investigation.

Neither man has spoken publicly about the situation.

Stankoski and Stout were questioned by internal investigators on their sexual harassment complaint for more than two hours on Monday. Mark C. Collins, an attorney representing Stankoski on criminal matters, said she may also file a criminal complaint.

On Sept. 10, Stankoski gave into pressure from Gutierrez, who is her boss and Dann s friend, to go out for drinks after work, Elliott said.

They ended up at the Dublin apartment where Stankoski, feeling drunk, asked to lie down, he said. She awoke hours later to find her pants undone and Gutierrez next to her in his underwear, according to her complaint. Dann, who was a neighbor of Gutierrez in the past in Youngstown, was in the apartment that night.