Count of 215 bald eagle nests in Ohio establishes a record


A record 215 nests of bald eagles were counted in Ohio this year, the 22nd consecutive year the state's population of breeding birds of that species has increased.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources said 113 of the 215 nests were known to produce young. Wildlife biologists and volunteers said at least 197 eaglets have been born in 52 Ohio counties.

Last year, Ohio had 184 nests, with 119 of the nests producing an estimated 222 eaglets; a determination of the number of eaglets in 16 nests could not be made. This year, 33 new nests have been identified, the department said.

Most of Ohio's bald eagle nests are along the Lake Erie shoreline, but more have been established inland in recent years.

Paulding County is one of nine counties with new nests found this year.