Dogs not tied to track, killed by train


CLEVELAND -- Police have determined that no dogs were killed Aug. 10 while tied to railroad tracks in the Tremont neighborhood, but one live dog was rescued after a train passed over it.

A train crew radioed a Norfolk Southern bridge tender to report that they ran over a dog apparently tied to the tracks because they could not stop in time, police said Friday night. It was later determined that the dog was not tied but that her leash was wedged between two rails, probably by accident.

The original story in Plain Dealer gained nationwide attention. It said three dogs were tied to CSX tracks around the same time on Aug. 10, and that two were killed. The story was based on interviews with police and a city animal-control officer.

The story prompted at least three organizations and a private citizen to offer a total of $15,000 in reward money seeking information about who was tying dogs to tracks. More than 50 people have called the Cuyahoga County Animal shelter with interest in adopting the surviving dog.

That mixed-breed female dog could be adopted soon, if no owner comes forward.