SW Ohio woman charged in classroom brawl


CINCINNATI — A mother is accused of bursting into a high school classroom and helping her teen daughter beat up another student, even holding the other teen and instructing her child strike the girl in the face with a combination lock, police said.

The mother, Precious Allen, her daughter and another woman barged into the classroom at Withrow High School in Cincinnati last week, with the mother and daughter assaulting the 15-year-old student with their fists and the lock, police spokeswoman Sgt. Julian Johnson said today. The other girl suffered cuts and bruises, and a teacher ended up with a black eye in the scuffle.

Allen, 31, of Cincinnati, is charged with felonious assault and aggravated criminal trespass, court records show. Allen's daughter is 14, and juvenile court records are not public, but the police report says the girl was arrested on charges of felonious assault, assault and criminal trespass. The other woman, Dawn Brunner, 28, of Covington, Ky., was charged with criminal trespass, according to court records.

Phone calls seeking comment from the two women rang unanswered today.

At around 2 p.m. Thursday, the three entered the school through the front door into a vestibule. A student saw them knocking and let them into the building, Johnson said. Visitors are supposed to check in at the front office, but they went straight to the classroom, according to Johnson.

“Initially the mother got into a verbal altercation with the 15-year-old, and then the mother told her daughter to hit the girl,” Johnson said. When the daughter and the other teen started to fight, Allen apparently started punching the 15-year-old and held her down while Allen's daughter struck her in the face with a combination lock, according to Johnson.

At one point the teacher tried to stop the fight, and that's when Allen's daughter struck her, Johnson said.

Cincinnati's police chief James Craig said Monday that Allen will be held accountable for the classroom brawl

Allen's attorney, James Bogen, said he has no immediate comment on the case and is still reviewing it.

As for Craig's comments, Bogen would only say that “he has his job and I have mine.”

Court records do not show an attorney for Brunner.

Johnson said there was some rift between the two teens, but she did not know what caused it. A message seeking comment was left at school district offices today.

Police and Cincinnati Public School officials are reviewing what happened to ensure nothing like that occurs again, police said.