WSPD staffer alleges harassment


An employee of Toledo radio station WSPD-AM (1370) has filed a complaint with Toledo police, accusing the station's former program director of e-mail harassment.

Meghan Smith, producer of WSPD's morning-drive show, said Al Brady Law has sent her "several harassing and menacing e-mail messages to her over the last year and a half," according to a police report that was filed Saturday.

"The most recent message was on [Feb. 9] and was laced with vulgarity and words she interpreted as threats," the police report stated.

Mr. Law, now program director at KTRS-AM in St. Louis, spent about 22 months at WSPD before leaving in October. He was Ms. Smith's boss while at WSPD.

WSPD is owned by Clear Channel; KTRS is owned by CH Holdings.

Mr. Law, contacted at KTRS, said he was not aware of a police report being filed. He said he is not the person behind the e-mails.

"I absolutely deny it," Mr. Law said.

Ms. Smith declined comment.