Stay Tuned with Kirk Baird: Joe Rychnovsky


First job: I worked at a golf course. I did just about everything from working in the pro shop to working with the grounds crew. It sounds like a fun job, and it was. But it was also a lot of work.

First salary: I don't remember exactly. I think it was about $5 an hour.

My idols are: My dad and mom. We are a very close family, and my parents mean the world to me.

Most embarrassing TV moment: This is a good one. I was working in Florida doing my sportscast live on location. I've always done things a little differently. On this night, I had a daredevil motorcycle guy who was going to do a jump on live TV. I think he was jumping a bunch of cars, but I don't quite remember. Anyway, they come to me live, with this guy in the background over my shoulder waiting for my cue to do the jump. I am setting it up, playing it up big, “Here he is on live TV sacrificing life and limb.” Meanwhile, in the background, the guy is jumping up and down on his motorcycle trying to get the darn thing started. I was not aware of this at the time, because I was setting it up. I turn around, and thought to myself, you have to be kidding me. Of course, it's live TV, so I have to keep going.

To make an already long story short, we had to just go to break. When we came back at the very end of the newscast, the guy got the bike started, and made the jump. Needless to say, the drama and excitement kind of went out the window.

Highlight of my career: I was doing a morning live shot several years back at a local golf course and met my wife. I am truly blessed.

My favorite thing to do outside of work: I usually just like to kick back and relax. In the summertime, you can usually find me on one of the beautiful area golf courses or perhaps at a ball game.

I think Toledo's best-kept secret is: The Toledo Museum of Art.

People may be surprised to know that I: Love to travel and have visited numerous countries and nearly all 50 states.

In five years, I see myself: Probably doing the same thing I am now. I love my job. It allows me to meet so many wonderful people, and it's never the same. Every day is an adventure.

My dream job is: I've never really had a dream job. I enjoy what I do and try to keep a happy and positive attitude.

Contact Kirk Baird atkbaird@theblade.comor 419-724-6734.