In interview with Winfrey, Letterman talks about feuds, sex scandals

Ball State University alumnus David Letterman, right, host of CBS's
Ball State University alumnus David Letterman, right, host of CBS's "Late Show," with Oprah Winfrey following an interview at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.

PASADENA, Calif.— David Letterman says he sees a psychiatrist once a week, part of his attempt to be the person he once believed he was.

The late-night talk show host gave an extraordinary interview to Oprah Winfrey in which he talked about his feuds with her and Jay Leno, and his own effort to make amends for the affairs that became public three years ago when a man tried to extort him.

The interview aired Sunday night on Winfrey's OWN network after it was done in November.

The CBS host says his wife has forgiven him for his transgressions and his life is more joyful than ever, but he hasn't necessarily forgiven himself.

Letterman also called his late-night rival Leno the funniest guy he's ever known.