Neighbors in NY's Catskills oppose actor Judd Hirsh's plan to build 177-foot wind turbine


DENNING, N.Y. — Some residents of a town in New York’s Catskill Mountains are trying to stop actor Judd Hirsch from building a 177-foot wind turbine on his property.

Dozens of Hirsch’s neighbors in the town of Denning have signed a petition opposing the “Taxi” star’s plan for a turbine on his 96-acre property.

Richard Benktwitt lives in a log house about a mile from Hirsch. He tells The New York Times that the turbine “would ruin the beauty of the location.”

The 78-year-old Hirsch tells the Times that his neighbors’ fears are “baloney.” He says the wind turbine’s generator will cut his electricity bill to zero.

Another neighbor, Barry Schaefer, says he is in favor of alternative energy but he worries that the turbine will be noisy.