Game review: Metal Slug 3 (SNK)


For younger gamers, a title like Metal Slug 3 might get passed over on retail shelves filled with titles sporting dazzling lifelike graphics and surround sound. But when you peel away the frills and fanciness, if a game isn't fun to play, why bother? Slug 3 is way fun.

A direct port of the now 4-year-old frenetic side-scrolling 2-D

action/shooter, Slug really sucks you in with its wild weapons and giant bosses.

Players will find themselves running and swimming from left to right while unleashing a never-ending shower of bullets, bombs, and grenades on the sometimes monstrous, screen-filling enemies.

Sounds easy enough, but difficulty levels remain high (it takes just a single bullet to down your character), and the prospect of restarting at a level's beginning keeps you on your toes. Get it!

Jake Jones