UT men's tennis plays host to MAC tournament


The third-seeded University of Toledo men s tennis team will host the three-day Mid-American Conference tournament and open the event with a match against Indiana-Purdue-Fort Wayne at 10 this morning on the UT varsity courts. Buffalo and Northern Illinois meet in the other quarterfi nal at 2 p.m.

If victorious, Toledo would meet No. 2 seed Western Michigan tomorrow at 2 p.m. The championship match is Saturday afternoon at 1.

Mohammed Al Nabhani leads UT with a 23-12 record at No. 1 singles and a 23-9 mark in

doubles. Jared Miller and Travis Curran are both 21-11 in singles play for the Rockets (15-9).

Ball State is top-seeded in the tourney, which would move indoors to Laurel Hill in the event of inclement weather.