Team-bonding experience found under water’s surface

  • Drummond


  • Drummond

    The University of Toledo’s men’s basketball team is on an 11-day trip to Greece. Justin Drummond, a junior guard, will provide daily updates of the team’s experience.

    Snorkeling was a lot of fun today. We saw a different part of the island on our way to the boat and even saw some goats and horses for the first time.

    We had to wait a little for our boat so a bunch of the guys threw around a football on the beach. Snorkeling was a great team-bonding experience because everyone was kind of scared. Since I’ve snorkeled before I tried to reassure them that we weren’t going to be eaten by anything out there.

    We didn’t see many fish and that was a little disappointing. But the rock formations we did see under the water and how deep they were was interesting.

    Tonight for dinner I had some swordfish, and it was the best fish I’ve ever tasted that wasn’t fried.

    We have a long travel day tomorrow with a two-hour boat ride to Athens, and then another two-hour bus ride for our game.

    We found out this weekend that one of our games this week is going to be canceled. We have to make sure our energy level is high because we don’t want to leave here with a loss and a bad taste in our mouth.