Loss drops Toledo Walleye to 2-2 on the season


TRENTON, N.J. — Three third-pe­riod goals by Tren­ton sunk the Toledo Wall­eye on Fri­day night at the Sun Na­tional Bank Center.

The loss drops the Wall­eye to 2-2-0 on the sea­son.

“We noticed in film that Trenton is built very similar to us this season,” said coach Nick Vitucci. “We got off to a slow start due to few penalties, but played our game throughout.

"Credit their goaltender for making some great saves in this game and they made the plays in third period.”

Tren­ton took a 1-0 first-pe­riod lead on Luke Pither’s sec­ond goal of the sea­son.

Toledo’s Randy Rowe notched his first of the sea­son to tie the game 3:47 into the sec­ond pe­riod.

Kyle Rogers and Ben Youds picked up the assists on Rowe’s first goal as a Walleye since the 2010-11 season.

Chris McKelvie’s shot 20 sec­onds into the third period beat Wall­eye goalie Kent Simp­son for what would become the even­tual game-win­ning goal for Trenton.

Ryan Grim­shaw and Ja­son Akeson added two more to round out the scor­ing for the Titants (5-1-0).

Simp­son fin­ished with 22 saves while Tren­ton goalie Scott Wedge­wood stopped 25 for the win as the teams tied in shots with 26 apiece.