Springfield Township trustees indirectly approve Albon Road housing project


The Springfield Township trustees gave the go-ahead to a much-debated residential development on Albon Road - but in an indirect way.

The trustees' vote was 2-1 against Ridgewater Real Estate Co.'s proposed Albon Woods project at 1783 Albon, south of Airport Highway.

But because the township's Planning Commission had recommended approval of the development, a unanimous no vote was needed to nix the project.

The lone yes vote was cast by Trustee Marylin Yoder. The matter had been before the trustees five times, with nearby neighbors objecting that the proposed development would encroach on their properties.

One of these neighbors, Levora Bettinger, had an attorney, Paul Skaff, who told the trustees the development plan lacked a required 35-foot street setback. He urged the trustees to reject the plan.

In the discussion before the vote, Trustee Bob Bethel said he wanted to see a wetland delineation before deciding the issue.

Trustee Andy Glenn noted that a wetland delineation was a state requirement and that a developer didn't want to spend the money on it before he knew if he would be allowed to build.