Slug:  NBRW lostboys13p B                                    The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth  Date: 11/07/08  Caption: The Lost Boys of Sudan Amoil Arop of The Lost Boys of Sudan dances with a mascot during a visit to Whitmer High School Friday, 11/07/08, in Toledo, Ohio. The event kicks off a fundraiser to dig a well in Darfur.
Slug: NBRW lostboys13p B The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth Date: 11/07/08 Caption: The Lost Boys of Sudan Amoil Arop of The Lost Boys of Sudan dances with a mascot during a visit to Whitmer High School Friday, 11/07/08, in Toledo, Ohio. The event kicks off a fundraiser to dig a well in Darfur.

At an assembly at Whitmer High School, Amiol Arop, one of the 'Lost Boys of the Sudan,' teaches students and school mascot Pete Panther an African tribal dance. There was a serious side to the assembly: The 'Lost Boys' told the students of their fleeing the genocide in their country in the 1980s. The five representatives of the 'Lost Boys' raise funds for improvements to their homeland. Whitmer students raised $3,000 toward digging a water well in the Darfur region of Sudan.