Big Brothers/Big Sisters has new quarters in Wauseon


WAUSEON - Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northwest Ohio has moved its offices to a new location in Wauseon and reorganized its staff at the same time.

The organization, which pairs local children with adult mentors, has moved to the regional planning wing of the County Administration Building, 152 South Fulton St., just north of the county courthouse.

"The move and staffing reorganization will allow us to continue to provide a critical service to the at-risk children of Fulton County," said Jennifer Smeltzer, the agency's match support specialist and event coordinator.

Wendy Hillyard, the agency's vice president of programs, now handles all volunteer enrollments and matches the volunteer mentors with at-risk children in Fulton County.

In her role, Ms. Smeltzer handles all child enrollments, conducts monthly match support contacts, and plans special events. Carol Merillat is Big Brothers/Big Sisters' new office secretary.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters seeks both referrals of potential child clients and adults with time to devote to helping children, and also schedules fund-raising events such as the upcoming Bowl for Kids' Sake nights at two Fulton County bowling alleys.

"Children in our program are less likely to begin using drugs and alcohol, are less likely to skip school, and are more confident in their schoolwork," Ms. Smeltzer said.

Five-member bowling teams that gather at least $30 each in sponsorships may participate in the bowling events April 16 at Nu-Arch Lanes in Archbold or April 23 at Swanton Sports Center.

Participants play one free game of bowling, including shoe rental, while Wauseon Pizza Hut provides free pizza and there are door prizes and raffles. All funds raised stay in Fulton County for Big Brothers/Big Sisters programming.