'Leave No Child Inside, Sylvania' walk set for Sunday


The Olander Park's "Spring Thing" activities series continues Sunday with a "Leave No Child Inside, Sylvania" walk around Lake Olander to kick off Earth Day Week.

A dozen or more community organizations will have exhibit stations along the 1.1-mile path that circles the lake in Olander Park to promote "green" activities in Sylvania.

The "Leave No Child Inside" theme is part of a broader campaign to encourage children to go outdoors to play and explore. A Web site, everykidout

sideNWOH.org, will debut on Earth Day, April 22, as an on-line meeting point for organizations and businesses that offer resources and activities to make getting outside easy and fun.

The walk around Lake Olander will be from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday. Its course will start at the gazebo at Nederhouser Community Hall.