School Zone: Joseph Nawrocki, Swanton High School

Joseph Nawrocki
Joseph Nawrocki


School subject: Accounting

Extracurricular activity: Quiz bowl

Hobbies: Computer gaming, watching movies

Car: 2002 Taurus

Store: Brookstone

Musical artist: Royksopp

Movie: Pan's Labyrinth or Amelia

TV show: The Office


Cafeteria food must-have: I don't like cafeteria food.

Last book read that wasn't required: The People's History of the United States

Pet peeve: Slow walkers

Person most admired: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Person I'd like to meet: Rainn Wilson from The Office

Top accomplishment: First in Business Professionals of America State Level Accounting Competition.


After-graduation plans: I plan to attend either Michigan State University or the University of Illinois to pursue a master's degree in forensic science.

Career goal: I would love to one day work for the FBI as a forensic investigator.

Quote from teacher: “Joey has natural intellectual talents that go far beyond the ability level of most high school students,” said Josh Eppert, Advanced Placement English teacher. “He has an insatiable curiosity and tenacious work ethic that keeps him from succumbing to the pitfalls of laziness and complacency that unfortunately can accompany the academic lives of gifted students. He is also incredibly funny and has a dynamic, engaging personality that is appreciated by both his teachers and peers.”

--Information is compiled by Lucas County Educational Service Center for The Blade.