School Zone: Payton Bennett, Delta High School

Payton Bennett
Payton Bennett


School subjects: Chemistry, physics, and pre-calculus

Extracurricular activities: Quiz team, bowling, and work

Hobbies: Video gaming, reading

Car: 1998-2003 Corvette

Store: Walmart

Musical artists: Audioslave, Rammstein, Godsmack

Movie: The Prestige

TV show: Burn Notice, NCIS, Mythbusters


Cafeteria food must-have: Water

Last book read that wasn't required: The Divine Comedy

Pet peeve: People feeling superior over others

Person most admired: My father

Persons I'd like to meet: Bill Nye, President Obama, and Nikola Tesla

Item always in my locker: My hat

First job: SOSAD Enterprises Inc. (Tano's Pizza)

Top accomplishment: Donating blood


After-graduation plans: Enroll in a college or a university and get a long-term job.

Career goal: I would enjoy any job in a science field, but being a chemist and/or physicist, or astrologist would be preferable.

Quote from teacher: “Payton is best described by a quote from Albert Einstein,” said principal, Martin Friess. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to be a man of value.”

— Information is compiled by Lucas County Educational Service Center for The Blade.