Park system panel moves ahead on sledding-hills plan


The Olander Park System commissioners are moving ahead with their plan to put three sledding hills in Sylvan Prairie Park. Last week they reviewed quotes of costs and saw a detailed rendering of the project.

Total cost of the project came in at $1.4 million, but the cost to the park system is expected to be about $425,000, said Gary Madrzykowski, parks director.

He said he was confident the park system could get the demolition, site preparation, and earthwork part of the project donated for savings of $254,000, as well as the landscaping and restoration for a saving of $256,000. The commissioners decided not to spend $265,000 on enclosed warming stations and restrooms.

The park system will pay $72,510 for a handicapped-accessible trail connecting to the sledding hills and an extension of a bike trail around the sledding hill complex and also will pay $250,000 for lighting.

The plan calls for a natural ice rink and a gathering space.

The area would be attractive for year-round activities involving astronomy, nature, and sunset viewing, officials said.

The pathway would frame the ice rink and gathering space. Benches and trees would be placed there.

Sylvan Park, 8601 Brint Rd., was a failed golf course when the park system purchased the first 46 acres of the 150 it now owns.