Student of the week: Samuel Chang

Southview High School

Samuel Chang
Samuel Chang


School subject: English

Extracurricular activity: Tennis

Hobbies: Ping-Pong

Car: Mercedes-Benz

Store: Dick's Sporting Goods

Musical artist: The Fray

Movie: Forrest Gump

TV show: Whose Line Is It Anyway?



Cafeteria food must-have: Hot Cheetos

Last book read that wasn't required: Cujo by Stephen King

Pet peeve: Correct formatting on anything "paper" related

Person most admired: My sister

Person I'd like to meet: Roger Federer

Items always in my locker: Tennis ball

First job: None

Top accomplishment: National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium delegate



After-graduation plans: I hope to be accepted by the college of my choice and to continue my pursuits. I look forward to visiting Taiwan over the summer as well as continuing my violin and tennis interests.

Career goal: Someday, I hope that I can be a lawyer or administrator for a large company. I want to share my personal voice with others and benefit as many people as possible.

Quote from teacher: "What sets Sam apart from other intelligent, hardworking students is his enthusiastic approach to all that he does," said Blythe Tipping, science teacher. "In addition, his easygoing demeanor makes him a natural leader at school."

-- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Lucas County Educational Service Center.