Ourtowns Calendars 3/18


What's On


● Stu­dent mu­si­cian per­for­mance from Bowl­ing Green State Univer­sity at the Manor House at Wild­wood Pre­serve Metropark from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Tues­day and March 26. In­for­ma­tion: 419-407-9726.

● Sis­ter Gretchen’s Easter bake and craft sale at the Re­gina Con­fer­ence Room at the Sis­ters of St. Francis of Syl­va­nia, 6832 Con­vent Blvd, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri­day and Satur­day.

● 2nd an­nual 5K event hosted by the Cancer Con­nec­tion of North­west Ohio and Mo­bile Care Group April 14 at Se­cor Metropark.. Reg­is­tra­tion at 8 a.m. Race be­gins at 9 a.m.; $20 for pre-reg­is­tra­tion be­fore April 1, $25 the day of the event. Reg­is­tra­tion: can­cer­con­nec­tionof­north­west­o­hio.com or 419-725-1100.

● 2nd an­nual Swing for the Cure char­ity soft­ball game at Syl­va­nia Southview High’s soft­ball field, 7225 Syl­va­nia Ave., 5 p.m. Satur­day. In­for­ma­tion: jzol­towski@bex.net.

West Toledo

● Toledo Base Sub­ma­rine Veter­ans at Char­ley’s Res­tau­rant, 6945 W. Cen­tral Ave., 6:30 p.m. to­day. Details: 419-459-4985 or njhoss@fron­tier­net.net.

● In­ter­na­tional Mu­sic As­so­ci­a­tion Sun­day Polka Dance at Conn-Weis­sen­berger Post 587 Amer­i­can Le­gion Hall, 2020 West Alexis Rd., 12:30-6 p.m. April 7 and May 5. Details: 419-478-6068.

● Sem­i­nar on copy­right law and the art com­mu­nity, hosted by the In­tel­lec­tual Prop­erty Com­mit­tee of the Toledo Bar As­so­ci­a­tion, at the Val­en­tine Theater, 6-9 p.m. Thurs­day. Ad­di­tional spon­sor­ship by the Arts Com­mis­sion of Greater Toledo. Free. In­for­ma­tion: 419-254-2787 or rbunch@thear­t­s­com­mis­sion.org.

● Spring swim­ming sea­son with the Greater Toledo Aquatic Club runs through May 17. Stroke train­ing and tech­nique, non­com­pet­i­tive prep­a­ra­tion for sum­mer leagues. Details: tea­mu­nify.com/oh­g­tac.

● Diver­sity sem­i­nar at Cleaner and Dryer, 5056 An­gola Rd., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur­day. Hosted by the North­west Ohio Con­ser­va­tive Co­a­li­tion. $25 per per­son. Res­er­va­tions re­quired. In­for­ma­tion: 419-787-9585.

● Author Tho­mas Klein will dis­cuss the eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment of the Vir­gin Islands at the Toledo Club, 235 14 St., 11:30 a.m. Fri­day. Spon­sored by Amer­i­can Le­gion Toledo Post 335. In­for­ma­tion: 419-868-3039 or 419-382-4401.

● Rum­mage and bake sale at Coll­ing­wood United Meth­od­ist Church, 701 Phil­lips Ave., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 4-5 and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. April 6.

● Clean Water for the World 5K walk and run event at the Univer­sity of Toledo Cen­ten­nial Mall, April 13. Reg­is­tra­tion at 10 a.m. Race be­gins at 11 a.m. $10 reg­is­tra­tion. Reg­is­tra­tion: first­giv­ing.com/cw4w/to­le­dow4w.

● 40th an­nual Schol­ar­ship Dance hosted by the Univer­sity of Toledo La­tino Stu­dent Union, at the Stu­dent Union Au­di­to­rium, 2801 W. Ban­croft St., 7 p.m. Satur­day. $10 in ad­vance, $15 at the door.

● Toledo Sail and Power Squad­ron Sea­man­ship courses at Jef­fer­son Junior High, 5530 Whit­mer Dr., 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thurs­day. In­for­ma­tion: 419-343-0251.

● Easter Egg Event hosted by Big Broth­ers and Big Sis­ters of North­west Ohio, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Satur­day at Danny Tho­mas Park. In­for­ma­tion: 419-243-4600.


● Four-County Ca­reer Center Alumni As­so­ci­a­tion alumni din­ner at the Ca­reer Center, 22900 Ohio 34, 6 p.m. April 6. $20 per per­son. Res­er­va­tions should be made by Fri­day. Reg­is­tra­tion: 419-267-2313.


● Dis­cus­sion with Dr. Ken Moh­ney of Mon­roe County Com­mu­nity Col­lege, hosted by the His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety of Bed­ford at the Bed­ford Li­brary, 7 p.m. April 1. The topic will be ar­chae­ol­ogy as a profession.


● Friends of the NRA din­ner at Knights of Co­lum­bus Hall, 202 West Front St., 6-10 p.m. April 20. $30 pre-or­der tick­ets, $35 at the door. Tick­ets: 734-241-9131.


● Ki­wa­nis Travel Ad­ven­ture Cinema at the Tecum­seh Center for the Arts, 400 N. Maumee St., 7:30 p.m. April 9. $5. In­for­ma­tion: 517-423-6617.

Let's Eat


● St. Cas­par Knights of Co­lum­bus break­fast buf­fet, Par­ish Life Center, 1205 N. Shoop Ave., Wau­seon, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sun­day. Free-will do­na­tion.

● VFW Post 9656 all-you-can-eat break­fast, 4120 Piehl Rd., Lam­bert­ville, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sun­day. Cost: $6 adults; $5 se­niors over 60; $3.50 chil­dren 6-12; chil­dren un­der 6 free. Details: 734-856-3245.

● Just Pan­cakes at Salem Lu­theran Church, 1125 N. Huron St., 8-10 a.m. Satur­days. Free. 419-693-9082.

● Sun­day Break­fast at Riverview Yacht Club, 5981 Edge­wa­ter Dr., Point Place, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sun­days. Cost: $7 adults; $6 se­niors; $5 chil­dren. 419-729-9251.

● Delta Amer­i­can Le­gion Post 373, 5939 State Rt. 109, Delta, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun­days. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $6.50 for adults; $4 for chil­dren ages 4-12, and free for chil­dren un­der 3. 419-822-4526.

Fish fries

● Holy Trin­ity Par­ish, U.S. 20 and State Rt. 64, As­sump­tion, 5-8 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adult/car­ry­out; $4 chil­dren grades 1-8; pre­school free.

● Re­gina Coeli Church, 530 Re­gina Pkwy., 4:30-7 p.m. Fri­day. $8 adults, $4 chil­dren. Car­ry­out avail­able.

● May­fair-Plym­outh Church, 5253 Ben­nett Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. $8 adults, $4 chil­dren 12 and un­der. Car­ry­out avail­able.

● Christ the King to ben­e­fit Boy Scout troop 263, 4100 Harvest Ln., 5-8 p.m. Fri­day. $9 for adults, $7 for stu­dents and se­niors. $2 chil­dren 5 and un­der. 419-292-0919.

● Lit­tle Flower Church, 5522 Dorr St., 5-8 p.m. Fri­day. Cheese pizza avail­able. Car­ry­outs un­til 7 p.m. Tick­ets at the door: $8 adults; $7.50 se­niors; $4.50 chil­dren. 419-537-6655.

● St. Cas­par Knights of Co­lum­bus, 1205 N. Shoop Ave., Wau­seon, 4:30-7 p.m. Fri­day. Sug­gested Dona­tion: $8 adults.

● Most Blessed Sac­ra­ment Par­ish at Stoi­ber-Holzer Gym­na­sium, the Don­nelly Neigh­bor­hood Center, 4255 Belle­vue Rd., 4-7:30 p.m. Fri­day. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $8.50 adults; $7.50 se­niors; $5.50 chil­dren 6-12; chil­dren 5 and un­der free. Hand­i­cap ac­ces­sible. Car­ry­out avail­able. 419-472-2288 or bless­edsac­ra­ment­toledo.com.

● VFW Post 2898, 3925 W. Alexis Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $7. 419-473-9649

● Re­gina Coeli Church, 530 Re­gina Pkwy., 4:30-7 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adults; $4 chil­dren. Car­ry­out avail­able. 419-476-0922.

● May­fair-Plym­outh Church, 5253 Ben­nett Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adults; $4 chil­dren un­der 12. Car­ry­out avail­able. 419-476-7093

● St. Joseph Church, 8295 VanAiken St., Ida, 4-7:30 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $12 adults; $11 se­niors (65 and over). Grilled cheese, $5 (child or adult) and child’s fish din­ner $6 (5-10 years).

● VFW Post 606, 3005 W. Las­key Rd., 4-7 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat fish din­ner, $8; Combo fish/shrimp $10; Shrimp din­ner $12. 419-473-9557.

● St. John Lu­theran Church, 460 Ri­ley St., Dun­dee, 5-7:30 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $9 adults; $7 se­niors; $5 chil­dren 10 and un­der; and free to chil­dren 4 and un­der. Car­ry­out avail­able. 529-3218.

● St. Joseph Cath­o­lic School, 2238 Man­hat­tan St., Erie, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Fri­days. Cost: $12 adults; $10 se­niors; $6 chil­dren 12 and un­der. Details: 734-848-6985 or StJosephErie.com.

● St. Cath­er­ine of Siena, 4555 N. Haven Ave., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adults; $7 se­niors; $5 chil­dren 12 and un­der.

● Tem­per­ance Amer­i­can Le­gion Sons, 620 West Tem­per­ance Rd., 5-7:30 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $5 chil­dren; $9 adults. Car­ry­out: 734-847-9245.

● Conn-Weis­sen­berger Post 587, 2020 W. Alexis Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat fish, $8; 3-piece chicken or shrimp din­ner $7.50, combo $9. 419-471-0587.


● Din­ners at Ber­key Con­gre­ga­tional and Meta­mora Meth­od­ist Churches at 12036 Syl­va­nia-Meta­mora Rd., Ber­key, 5 p.m. Thurs­day. Cost: $9 adults; $2 chil­dren ages 5-12.

● Wed­ding-Style chicken din­ner at Res­ur­rec­tion Pol­ish Na­tional Cath­o­lic Church, 1835 W. Tem­per­ance Rd., Tem­per­ance, 5-7 p.m. Thurs­day. Cost: $10. De­liv­ery in Bed­ford Town­ship area call 419-509-1115 (before Thurs­day). Details: 734-847-5052.

● Chicken pa­pri­kas din­ner at Grace United Meth­od­ist Church, 1493 W. Samaria, Samaria, Mich., 4:30-7 p.m. Satur­day. Cost: $9 adults; $4 chil­dren un­der 5 years. Take-out avail­able. Details: 734-856-6430 or 734-856-3490.

At the Library

Delta Pub­lic Li­brary

402 Main St., Delta; 419-822-3110.

● Sto­ry­time for ages 3 1/2-5 years, 10 a.m. Tues­days.

● Tod­dler Tales, 10 a.m. Tues­days. Chil­dren ages 2-3. Call to reg­is­ter.

● Easter card craft, 4 p.m. March 27. Ages K-4.

Locke Branch Li­brary

703 Miami St., 43605; 419-259-4310.

● Egg hunt and Easter cel­e­bra­tion, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tues­day.

Swan­ton Pub­lic Li­brary

305 Chest­nut St., Swan­ton; 419-826-2760

● Cake dec­o­rat­ing, 6-8 p.m. Thurs­day. Grades 6-12. Call to reg­is­ter.

● Min­ia­ture and fairy gar­den class, 6-7:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

Toledo-Lu­cas County Pub­lic Li­brary

325 Mich­i­gan St., Toledo; 419-259-5381.

● Film FOCUS Inde­pen­dent Film Fes­ti­val, 6:15 p.m. March 25 in the McMaster Center. Free park­ing avail­able.

● Col­lege Re­source Night, 6:30-8 p.m. March 26.

Wash­ing­ton Branch Li­brary

5560 Harvest Lane; 419-259-5330.

● Fam­ily sto­ry­time, 7 p.m. Tues­days. Ages 2 and up.

● Baby­time, 10 a.m. Wed­nes­days. Ages 1-2.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 10:45 a.m. Wed­nes­days. Ages 2-5.

Bed­ford Branch Li­brary

8575 Jack­man Rd., Tem­per­ance; 734-847-6747.

● Amer­i­can Cancer So­ci­ety make­over sem­i­nar, 6-8 p.m. to­day.

● Tai chi, 10:30 a.m.-noon Tues­day.

● Girls’ Night Out book club, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

Ida Branch Li­brary

3016 Lewis Ave., Ida, Mich.; 734-269-2191.

● River Rai­sin In­sti­tute film se­ries, 6:30-8 p.m. to­day.

Lenawee County Li­brary

4459 W. US High­way 223, Adrian; 517-263-1011.

● Friends of the Li­brary book sale, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur­day.

Tecum­seh Dis­trict Li­brary

215 N. Ot­tawa St.; 517-423-2238.

● Re­search­ing Your Fam­ily His­tory at the Ar­chives of Mich­i­gan, 7 p.m. April 9.

Senior Citizens' Activities

Friend­ship Park Se­nior Center

2930 131st St., Point Place; 419-936-3079.

Lunch at 11:45 a.m. week­days.

Syl­va­nia Se­nior Center

7140 Syl­va­nia Ave.; 419-885-3913.

Lunch served from 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. week­days. Sug­gested do­na­tion: 60-plus $2.50; oth­ers, $5.32. Res­er­va­tions re­quired.

Health fair, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 4.

JFS Se­nior Adult Center

2700 Pel­ham Road., Toledo; 419-531-2119.

Doc­tor and gro­cery bus, nurse 9 a.m.-1 p.m. week­days.

Art class, 2-4 p.m. Wed­nes­days.

Arch­bold Nu­tri­tion Site

Ruih­ley Park, Scout Cabin., Arch­bold; 419-445-3590.

Big Yel­low Book, 11 a.m. to­day.

Delta Nu­tri­tion Site

401 Main St., Delta; 419-822-3452.

Birth­day Day cel­e­bra­tion, 10:45 a.m. Tues­day.

Fay­ette Nu­tri­tion Site

105 E. Main St., Fay­ette; 419-237-1340.

Len­ten Bible study, 11 a.m. Tues­day and March 26.

Ful­ton County Se­nior Center

240 Clin­ton St., Wau­seon; 419-337-9299.

St. Patrick’s Day cel­e­bra­tion, 11 a.m. to­day.

Tri-State Med­i­cal, 11 a.m. Wed­nes­day.

Na­tional Goof Off Day cel­e­bra­tion, 11 a.m. Fri­day.

Swan­ton Nu­tri­tion Site

210 N. Main St., Swan­ton; 419-826-9776.

Euchre, 10:30 a.m. Fri­day.