GI killed on duty devout family man


A career soldier who died in Afghanistan last week was described by his family as a devout Catholic and a committed family man who saw service to his country as his duty.

Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel E. Miller, 43, originally of Thornville, Ohio, near Buckeye Lake east of Columbus, died Friday near Herat, Afghanistan, when the Humvee in which he was riding overturned.

Another soldier, Sgt. 1st Class Scott Carney of Ankeny, Iowa, also was killed in the noncombat-related crash.

Army officials at Sergeant Miller's home post of Fort Riley, Kan., listed his hometown as Rossford. However, Rossford is the hometown of Sergeant Miller's widow, whose maiden name is Ann Przybylowski.

The father of six children ranging in age from 13 years to 7 months, Sergeant Miller was deployed in Afghanistan as an advanced individual trainer on what was to be his last tour of duty before retirement, his brother-in-law, Jerry Ulm, said.

"When Dan came into the family, we thought it was the greatest thing in the world," said Mr. Ulm, who is acting as a spokesman for Sergeant Miller's family.

"He was a sweet guy, very unassuming, just the sweetest guy in the world."

Sergeant Miller joined the Army in 1986 and was deployed to Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. He volunteered for duty in Afghanistan and was deployed there in January, Mr. Ulm said.

Sergeant Miller returned stateside and visited his wife's family in northwest Ohio in June while on leave.

"That was the last time, the only time, he got to see his 7-month-old daughter," Mr. Ulm said.

The Millers planned to move back to northwest Ohio after he left the service.

Sergeant Miller had been pursuing potential postretirement career opportunities with college ROTC programs, his brother-in-law said. "He wanted to stay involved. He wanted to be able to teach like he was doing now," Mr. Ulm said.

Military services for Sergeant Miller are being planned for later this week out of state. Local services and burial are pending at St. Rose Church in Perrysburg, Mr. Ulm said.